1996-O Member Message, COVID-19

1996-O Executive Message

Sisters and Brothers,

As we move forward, this Executive is committed to continue updating you immediately as more information is circulated.

We urge you to frequently visit the Bell I-net, Unifor National website, Local 1996-O website, Local 1996-O Facebook and Twitter for these important updates.


On March 23, 2020. Bell Canada: Mirko Bibic sent a communication to all members, in regards to Bell  being recognized as essential by the Provinces and Federal government. All members should have received the communication in your company internal email.


The Health and Safety of our members remains our priority. We thank all of our Health and Safety Co-Chairs and H/S Representatives and our Chief Stewards and Stewards alike for all the great work you are doing in this challenging time.


Please visit the links below:

COVID-19 Web Page

Visit www.unifor.org/covid19 for the most up to date union information, resources, and news on the coronavirus. At this point in the crisis, new information is posted daily, including a growing list of sector-specific backgrounders.

COVID-19 Checklist for income replacement

This checklist sets out the possible measures that may be available for income replacement events including; sickness cue to COVID-19, isolation or quarantine, family care obligations, and layoff or business closures.

Download the checklist (PDF)

Sources: WHO, Ontario Government etc





coronavirus Fact sheet


Search your H/S Co-Chair here…



In Solidarity,


Lee, Sanjay, Brian, Chris

Telecommunications Workers – COVID-19


March 23, 2020
Dear members,

Thank you for keeping Canada connected

Our country is facing a monumental crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect Canadians and people around the world. Our country has moved quickly to take steps toward social distancing, a phrase many of us had never considered a month ago, but we can all easily define now.

Last week saw hundreds of thousands of workers forced off the job as waves of orders moved through provinces to end public gatherings, and to close all but essential services.

While anyone who is able to stay home is doing so to ‘plank the curve’, as Dr. Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, is now calling for, telecommunications workers continue to keep our country connected.
Thank you, for your bravery and dedication to your critical work………..



In solidarity,

Jerry Dias                     Lana Payne                                       Renaud Gagné
National President     National Secretary-Treasurer       Quebec Director


List of essential workplaces


On this page

Muskoka residents with Bell turbo hubs will receive credits during coronavirus pandemic

PARRY SOUND-MUSKOKA — As many people are working and studying from home during the coronavirus pandemic, Bell Canada is helping users by waiving overage fees and extending its relief measures.

On March 16, Jen Morgan of Utterson created an online petition on change.org to advocate for Bell Canada to waive overage charges for rural customers during the coronavirus pandemic, since Bell’s original announcement did not include customers who have rocket hubs, and often live in rural locations.

“This policy currently does not extend to its mobile internet plans (rocket hubs), which for many rural customers are the only available option for internet service. Most of these plans max out at 100 GB per month, with overage fees of $5/GB once you go over,” she wrote on the petition page.

Read more here….

Unifor is fighting to protect workers from COVID-19


We are living in unprecedented times. The window to flatten the curve is closing fast, and so is the opportunity to minimize the economic fallout of a pandemic. COVID-19 has created an uncertain and challenging situation for all working people, including Unifor members across Canada.

In hospitality and gaming, education, retail, airlines and more, we are facing mass layoffs. Health care workers, already pushed to the breaking point, are preparing to bravely treat patients of this pandemic, and prevent further spread in long-term care homes. In many sectors, including transportation and telecommunications, in grocery stores and pharmacies, vital work continues and workers need protection.

Unifor has created a task force, led by National Secretary-Treasurer Lana Payne, to provide you the latest information, including our list of demands from government to keep you healthy, and to mitigate financial hardship.


The webpage unifor.org/covid19 is your one-stop hub for union information about the pandemic. For Quebec updates please visit : www.UniforQuebec.org/COVID19. You will find resources and new, printable, sector specific information sheets along with regular updates from the task force.

Unifor has adopted an all-hands-on-deck approach to supporting members during these challenging and uncertain times. We have worked every day to answer questions, communicate with employers, and call on governments to flatten the curve and respect working people in this time of crisis.

If you have questions about EI sickness benefits, work absences, in-person meetings, and refusing work – we have answers. Read our Frequently Asked Questions on COVID-19.

For the latest public health information, contact your local health agency, listed here on our resources page.

We have also compiled a COVID-19 Checklist for income replacement that sets out the possible measures that may be available for income replacement during COVID-19-related work absence due to self-isolation, quarantine or family care obligations, and layoff or business closures.

Protecting Workers

Unifor’s position is that federal and provincial governments are not acting fast enough to properly stop the spread of the coronavirus before our health care system is completely overrun, and before more Canadians get sick.

Jerry Dias wrote to the federal government on March 12 to make key demands that would protect workers.

Without the adequate response measures in place, too many workers will face a difficult choice between going to work while sick and making ends meet.

Our demands of all levels of government are:

  • Institute a minimum of 14 days of paid sick leave whether a worker has been formally quarantined by a health official, or been asked to self-isolate
  • Establish special provisions that provide workers paid leave to care for children affected by government-mandated school and daycare closures
  • Establish direct, emergency income assistance measures to all workers and families –

including those ineligible for Employment Insurance benefits

Federal Demands:

  • Waive the one-week waiting period for regular Employment Insurance benefits and temporarily eliminate the qualifying hours needed to access benefits to ensure more workers – especially vulnerable workers in the hospitality, tourism and retail sectors – have access in the event of job displacement
  • Waive the EI regular benefit requirement for seven consecutive days without work or wages in the previous 52 weeks to provide workers suffering from reduced work-hours access to EI benefits
  • Increase the duration of EI sick leave from 15 to 26 weeks
  • Waive the one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits, which the Federal Government announced on March 11
  • Waive the hours requirement for EI sickness benefits and the requirement for a medical certificate
  • Expand EI coverage to include workers who are caring for children affected by mandatory school, daycare and other child care facility closures
  • Implement emergency special income assistance payments to vulnerable workers (including precarious workers, and independent contractors), who otherwise would not receive EI benefits
  • Introduce special “income relief” measures for full-time and part-time workers in the health care sector (as was done during the SARS outbreak), who are more susceptible to contracting COVID-19
  • Ease federal Work-Sharing rules, to maximize eligibility, and enhance benefits to mitigate job losses especially within vulnerable sectors (like tourism). The federal government should actively promote work-sharing across workplaces, and commit to accelerating the approval process (Federal Government announced enhanced Work-Sharing, extended eligible weeks from 38 to 76)
  • All jurisdictions should waive requirements for employees to produce doctor’s notes in cases of illness (at the very least, consider other less onerous ways to substantiate absences due to illness)
  • Provide special assistance to workers returning from maternity and parental leave who have exhausted their EI benefits and do not have enough hours to cover lay off benefits
  • Implement enhanced EI or other wage replacement measures that accommodate those workers whose income is partially derived from gratuities, including those employed in hospitality, gaming, and the taxi industry
  • Service Canada must issue a directive to employers to code layoffs as “Layoff/Shortage of Work” instead of “other” to ensure no administrative bottlenecks prevent impacted workers from receiving money
  • Expand the number of Service Canada staff in order to process claims in a timely manner
  • Staff should be hired and on-boarded immediately, given the extreme demands placed on the system.