In the midst of pandemic, bold action is required


We are living in unprecedented times, and the window to flatten the curve is closing fast, and so is the opportunity to minimize the economic fallout of a pandemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic presents a tremendous challenge – both to human health and to the economy.

The solution to protecting our health, by closing the border and asking Canadians to stay home, is a wise move to prevent the spread, but it will have a swift and devastating effect on businesses who will be forced to issue massive layoffs or reduce hours.

Many economies are expected to fall into recession, and governments must respond quickly. The potential economic damage could exceed that of the 2008-09 financial crisis.

Remember, at that time, the Harper government was slow to act. When they did, they pledged to spend the equivalent of two per cent of Canada’s GDP to kick-start the economy. The package was modest– the US, Australia, Italy, Germany and South Korea all spent more.

This time, government has a chance to act faster and be smarter. They should commit to a much more ambitious and strategic stimulus program – as large as four or five per cent of GDP – and make sure as much of it as possible gets directly into the hands of working people, to kick-start  consumer spending and help individuals  pay their bills.

Economic damage has been swift. In a matter of days, stock values have plummeted and resource prices have crashed. In workplaces across the country, shifts are being cancelled, and layoffs loom. Some factories have temporarily stopped production.

We have two major asks of government. First, protect public health and improve workers’ rights by ensuring all workers have access to paid, job protected sick leave as well as proper health care and income assistance. Second, act quickly to deliver a fiscal stimulus package to mitigate job losses in the near term and get people back to work in the long term.

Federal supports to expedite EI sick leave benefits and expand Work-Sharing are welcome first steps, but much more must be done.

Employment Insurance must be made more accessible by reducing, or even eliminating, the hours required to qualify. Increasing the benefit rate to cover a greater share of lost earnings, say 80 or even 100 per cent, is also needed in this time of emergency. The waiting-period for economic layoffs must also be waived.

Governments must also enact special measures to supplement the lost earnings for the large number of precarious workers historically denied EI benefits, including some part-time, gig-based, and temporary migrant workers.

Some of the emergency measures may prove so effective that they become permanent. That is more than worth considering.

Once this acute phase of the pandemic has subsided, governments must double-down on investment in social infrastructure. Supports such as universal childcare, a critical economic stabilizer that promotes gender equality and creates jobs – good ones if government focuses funding on higher wages and benefits. They must also deliver, immediately, on Universal Pharmacare.

Any fiscal stimulus package must move rapidly on long-overdue investments in physical infrastructure too, including expansion of public transit systems, guided by a new National Public Transit Strategy, along with wastewater treatment, road construction, public utilities, and other vital public works projects. They should use this opportunity to end long-term drinking water advisories on First Nations reserves.  Requiring that tools, materials and equipment are sourced from Canadian suppliers, wherever possible, would stimulate domestic production.  To be clear, with historically low interest rates, Canada has substantial fiscal room to do all of this and more.

As governments plan their responses, they must also recognize that crises will become more commonplace. Climate-related events will have a comparable and damaging effect on our economy in the future. Now is the time for big and bold ideas to stabilize our economy with an eye to sustainability.

Canada needs a massive, historic investment in clean technology, green infrastructure and associated job creation. Focus a permanent transit fund on emissions free technology, build and retrofit affordable housing, invest heavily in zero-emission vehicle technology and production capacity for the auto sector and clean up abandoned wells in Alberta while investing in the skills and abilities of oil sands workers to meet our future energy needs.

This pandemic has front-line workers bearing the weight a chronically underfunded health care system, making us all vulnerable. Our opportunity – to which governments must rise – is to invest in programs and infrastructure to strengthen our ability to stand strong in the face of whatever crisis comes next.

Unifor has launched a hub for member information about the pandemic at and encourages members to check the site regularly for updates.

Doug Ford’s COVID-19 strategy fails to protect Ontarians

March 16, 2020

TORONTO— The Government of Ontario’s legislative response to the COVID-19 pandemic fails to institute paid sick days that will enable workers to protect themselves and others from exposure to the virus.

“Doug Ford says he will do whatever it takes to contain the spread of COVID-19 but he could certainly do a lot more to show leadership during this difficult time,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Ford should immediately reintroduce the measures he repealed in 2018, including paid sick days, which workers desperately need during this pandemic.”

In 2018, the Ford government repealed many enhancements previously made to the province’s Employment Standards Act, a move that was widely criticized by Unifor and many other unions, community groups, and anti-poverty organizations. The measures were seen not only as unfair but that they would also jeopardized public health.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Unifor has called on all provincial governments to immediately introduce 14 paid sick days for anyone affected by the virus including those quarantined by medical professionals and those who have been advised to self-isolate.

“With so many lives on the line, we need the Ontario government to show real leadership,” said Naureen Rizvi, Unifor Ontario Regional Director. “Providing people with the financial means to self-isolate is essential to containing the spread of this deadly virus. Your income, or ability to take days off of work, should not determine if you are infected with, or continue to pass on this disease.”

Ford’s conservatives have committed to waiving sick note requirements and made an unfounded commitment that workers’ jobs will not be lost for following the advice of medical professionals. As cases of COVID-19 continue to skyrocket across the province, Unifor is urging the Government of Ontario to protect workers and their families through this simple measure.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

Bell, Rogers, other telecoms remove internet data caps amid COVID-19

TORONTO — As Canadians grapple with a growing list of cancellations, closures and travel restrictions, several Canadian telecom companies are temporarily removing overage fees on home internet plans amid the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.

In a statement issued Saturday, Bell Canada, which owns CTV News, announced it will waive any additional usage fees for residential internet customers, including Bell Aliant, Bell MTS and Virgin Home Internet services, until the end of April.

“Any overage fees will be waived automatically, so customers don’t need to make any changes to their accounts,” the company said.

Read More Here….

Covid-19 Update and Averaging of Hours Agreement

Read the full notification from Unifor National by clicking the link below



TO: BTS Locals and National Representatives

March 18, 2020 Brothers and Sisters,

On Monday, March 16th, 2020, Unifor was contacted by the Company to review their readiness planning with respect to the current COVID-19 situation that we are all facing. In addition to the review of the ongoing planning by the employer the issue of depleting manpower was raised. The concern raised by the Company was how they will deal with the loss of employees in light of the fact we are now having members around Ontario having to be placed under quarantine, as they return from their March break vacations. Also some employees are having to self-isolate due to exposure or potential exposure to the virus, in addition to those members who have chosen to stay home and not report to work.

Please be advised that following discussions with the Company regarding the current COVID-19 outbreak, the Union has entered into a new Averaging of Hours Agreement with our employer. The new agreement became effective Monday, March 16th, 2020 and will remain in place until May 6th, 2022 provided the parties are respectful of the Agreement.

It is important to understand that the presence of an Averaging of Hours Agreement in no way obligates any member to work beyond the CLC (Canada Labour Code) 48-hour per week limit. Should the need exist, this agreement will now permit those members who wish to do so, to exceed the weekly limit during the current COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond to the expiration of the current Collective Agreement. It is equally important for members to know that the agreement contains language that will protect members from being forced and/or pressured into working beyond 48 hours by their manager. The presence of an Averaging of Hours Agreement does not in any way permit the company to force any employee to work beyond the CLC 48-hour per week limit.

Rest assured, the company has indicated that it will continue to utilize all employees available to perform the work thru the use of regular hours.