Vetting questions – COVID19

1996-O Executive Message

1996-O Members:

Please keep up to date to ensure YOUR Health and Safety when speaking with customers follow the basics outlined

Do not hesitate to ask customers

Here are the 4 questions asked to each customer:

  • Do they have reasons to believe they or anyone else at the service address has or may be at risk of having COVID-19.
  • Are they displaying symptoms of the virus (fever with cough and/or, difficulty breathing)
  • Have they travelled abroad within the last 14 days? (Do not ask customer what country they travelled to)
  • Have they come into contact with someone who has or may have the virus, or is someone at the service address quarantined at the present time?



In Solidarity,


Lee, Sanjay, Brian, Chris


Executive 1996-O member message – COVID-19

1996-O Executive Message

Good day Sisters and Brothers of Unifor Local 1996-O.


We are writing you today as we all deal with this serious Health Pandemic (COVID 19). Your Executive have been working around the clock with the National Union, Health and Safety and Bell Technical Solutions to ensure you are well informed and safe while you continue on the job with confidence. In these difficult times, it is important that we support each other in Solidarity and when you go home, talk openly with your families about their concerns. Although this is serious, we will get over this with the help and support of each other.

As we move forward, this Executive is committed to continue updating you immediately as more information is circulated.

We urge you to frequently visit the Bell I-net, Unifor National website, Local 1996-O website, Local 1996-O Facebook and Twitter for these important updates.

We will be continuing with visibility at work centres as much as possible.

In closing, this is not something we could have ever expected but it is something that each of us must deal with going forward. We will deal with this together as a team and we will support each other like we have never done before. This is our call as a Union, as Sisters and as Brothers.

May you and your families be safe and be well.


Please visit the links below:

COVID-19 Web Page

Visit for the most up to date union information, resources, and news on the coronavirus. At this point in the crisis, new information is posted daily, including a growing list of sector-specific backgrounders.


COVID-19 Checklist for income replacement

This checklist sets out the possible measures that may be available for income replacement events including; sickness cue to COVID-19, isolation or quarantine, family care obligations, and layoff or business closures.

Download the checklist (PDF)


Sources: WHO, Ontario Government etc

coronavirus Fact sheet



In Solidarity,

Lee,  Sanjay,  Brian,  Chris

Local 1996-O

Telecom carriers say new technology needs more time to fight fraud calls effectively

Telecom companies say technology they are mandated to use in their networks by the federal government will have little impact in alerting consumers to suspicious calls.

Despite facing a September deadline to include new authentication and verification tools in their networks, Jonathan Daniels, vice president of regulatory law for Bell Canada, said there’s “no rush” to implement them because few customers would actually stand to benefit, even if all telcos turned them on tomorrow.

“So we’re going to take time to get it right,” Daniels told the House industry, science and technology committee, which heard from several telecom firms and federal regulators about efforts to combat suspicious or fraudulent calls.

“But we’re all supportive of it, and we’re all turning it on in September,” he said.


Read the article here….