Bell Media must respect rights of workers in digital restructuring plans

ctv2                 May 9, 2019 – 12:00 AM

TORONTO – The union representing local TV news staff across the CTV chain has made it clear to Bell Media that its restructuring plans cannot leave media workers out in the cold.

“Today’s announcement from CTV of its shift to ‘digital-first’ airing of local news stories on the Internet was inevitable,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “Retooling local news for digital is necessary and, hopefully, a successful business plan because local TV is being starved for advertising revenues and anything that brings in a bigger audience and more ad revenue is welcome.”

The stations affected by restructuring include the CTV1 stations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. Bell has told journalists and field technicians to expect a mix of retraining, layoffs, and new “digital” jobs, with a net reduction of staffing.

Dias cautioned Bell Media of its responsibility to guide news staff through the technological changes in job responsibilities, as it is expected that some journalists and field staff will need to acquire new digital skills.

“We are going to ensure no media worker is left behind,” said Dias. “Bell knows us pretty well and they know we mean it.”

Dias is also urging the federal government to accelerate its four-year long review of Canadian broadcasting in the Internet environment, scheduled to continue into 2020. “There are obvious actions the CRTC and the federal government can take to strengthen Canadian programming,” said Dias, referring to the CRTC’s own “Harnessing Change” report on Internet-broadcasting issued in June 2018.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

Unifor 1996-O Scholarships – Deadline Approaching, Submission due May 31 2019


The deadline is fast approaching to get your application submitted.

We in Local 1996-O are concerned about the lives of our members’ families and their education.  Due to high tuition fees we recognize that post-secondary education is out of reach for many working-class. To assist, we’ve established 2 scholarships worth $1,000.00 each. One in memory of the late Brother, Milos Petrasinovic and Brother, Alwa Marcelle.

The scholarships are awarded to sons/daughters of Unifor 1996-O members in good standing.  Students must be entering their first year of full-time post-secondary education (university, community college, technological institute, trade school, etc.) in a public Canadian institution. 

These are entrance Scholarships only and are not renewable for students entering subsequent years of study.

Deadline for submitting an application is May 31 2019

The selection of candidates will be chosen no later than June 28, 2019 and will be final.

Click here to download the 2019 application.

Unifor National Scholarships – Friday May 24 2019 Deadline is approaching

31379452 - graduation cap and diploma

*Unifor recognizes that the costs associated with post-secondary education is a challenge for many working-class families.  To assist in making education more accessible, we’ve established 28 scholarships of $2,000.00 each.  Five of these scholarships are administered by the Quebec Council with a separate application form (see  Residents of Quebec must apply using that application process.

The scholarships are awarded to children of Unifor members in good standing.  Students must be entering their first year of full-time post-secondary education (university, community college, technological institute, trade school, etc.) in a public Canadian institution.  One of these scholarships will also be available to a Unifor member with at least one year seniority.  These are entrance Scholarships only and are not renewable for students entering subsequent years of study.

Online Registration Process

Detailed information about eligibility and how to apply for a scholarship can be found in the following document:  Application Description and Instructions

In order for your application to be complete, you must have the following document signed by a Local Union Officer and ready for upload with your application documents:  Local Signature Form

Using the Online Application

Your application must be submitted using the online application form no later than May 24, 2019.

All applicants will be notified by email after July 19 of the disposition of their application. 

Click on the appropriate link below to complete your online application.  Please ensure that you have read the instructions carefully, and have the following documents ready on your device for upload with your application:

1)  Current high school transcript (children of Unifor members only)

2)  Reference letter

3)  Local Union Officer signature form

4)  Essay

Please note that any partially completed applications, or applications missing any of the required documents, will result in an error message, and cannot be submitted.  Please ensure you have all documents available before submitting.

Click here to apply as the child of a Unifor member.

Click here to apply as a Unifor Member.

Questions?   Email

Unifor encourages local actions to stop homophobia and transphobia around the globe

Speak Out


On May 17, 2019, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT), Unifor encourages members to build community with queer and trans members, and to support Pride activism globally.

At home and around the world, members of the LGBTQ community are increasingly scapegoated and targeted by oppressive and corrupt governments and political candidates.

While the arc of history continues to advance sexual orientation and gender diversity rights, the work is far from done.

As of March 2019, 70 UN member states, or 35 per cent of all members still have laws that criminalize consensual lesbian, gay, or bisexual relationships. Members of the queer and trans community around the globe face state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia.

Where state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia is present, social and political violence follows.

In a world failing to address a growing refugee crisis, LGBTQ refugees face increased violence and discrimination when attempting to find safety or safe haven.

Rainbow refugees are at risk when making claims in counties with state-sponsored homophobia, and often have difficulty ‘proving’ gender identity or sexual orientation as the basis for discrimination, if they were forced to be closeted in the past.

Unifor stands against all oppression and discrimination that seeks to divide working people and reinforce power structures that limit the ability of workers to unite — across the country and around the globe.

The growing backlash against LGBTQ people is deeply troubling, and requires all members to speak out in support of the global queer and trans community.

Make your workplace a safer space for LGBTQ comrades.  Put up the IDAHOT poster all year-round.

To take action to assist the growing crisis facing LGBTQ refugees, connect with organizations such as Rainbow Railroad.

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias
National President