Bell stoops to new low by slashing technicians’ hours

bell.unifor_jpg_size_custom_crop_1086x673March 18, 2019 – 12:00 AM


March 18, 2019

TORONTO – Unifor members call foul on Bell’s move to slash technicians’ hours across Ontario and Quebec.

Hundreds of Technicians working for Bell are categorized as part-time in name only, regularly working 40-hour weeks for many years. Last week, Bell suddenly changed that, so that technicians across Ontario and Quebec are seeing hours and pay cheques cut in half.

“This cruel tactic boils down to corporate greed. Bell has provided no validation for this reduction in hours,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Bell is leaving Unifor members and their families with half of their regular wages, with no prior warning to find other work.”

For years Bell has eroded the number of jobs done by direct employees, increasing the number of contractors doing work for them both on and off shore.

“Make no mistake, Bell is slashing workers’ hours to first cut costs then contract out to lower paid, non union contractors,” said Renaud Gagné, Unifor Quebec Director. “Our members have mortgages and bills like any other Canadian, How will they be able to plan for the future with Bell suddenly cutting hours that have been steady for many years?”

Unifor will not stand by while Bell continues to erode the quality and number of unionized jobs. These tactics include moving jobs, unfair performance management, outsourcing, and now this new attack on the hours of technicians.

Bell Technicians install and maintain all of bell’s services in businesses and homes across Ontario and Quebec. These members often brave difficult conditions to keep Canadians connected.

“Listen Up” Visibility – Welcome Local 25, 26

 Sisters and Brothers, it is with great pride that we announce that Unifor Locals 25 and 26 have decided to join our “Listen up” initiative. This is a very positive step for our Local and all its members. Congratulations Sisters and Brothers. It’s time to start the dialogue on Stress and Work life balance!

listen up 2019

Mission-Statement-1@ Work Centres near you.

Unifor in talks with GM to save jobs in Oshawa


March 19, 2019 – 12:00 AM

TORONTO – Unifor officials, including National President Jerry Dias, met today with senior General Motors officials to find ways to preserve jobs in Oshawa.

“I am much more confident today than I was a month ago that together we will find a resolution,” said Dias. “While some of our members qualify for retirement, others need ongoing good paying jobs to support their families. We are committed to work with GM to find solutions for both.”

Unifor began constructive negotiations with GM on February 25, 2019.

While it is clear to the union that GM has no intention of extending vehicle manufacturing beyond December of 2019, we are examining the potential to transform operations so as to maintain a base level of hourly employment.

The parties have agreed to continue talks over the next few weeks and Unifor’s priority is to save as many jobs as possible in Oshawa.

As a result of these ongoing talks, Unifor has suspended what has been an aggressive multi-media campaign to persuade the automaker to reverse its November decision to close the Oshawa Assembly Plant

Unifor committed to defending human rights and combating racism

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March 19, 2019


On March 21, 2019, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we pause to reflect on the inherent structures of power that advantage some over others. We also use this opportunity to recognize our union’s work in undoing these discriminatory frameworks and move forward to achieve an equitable society for all.

Built on a history of settler violence and colonialism, our efforts as a nation towards truth and reconciliation leave much to be desired. Going beyond lip service, Canadian policies must allocate adequate resources and funding for programs and services to meet the needs of Indigenous communities, including access to clean water and quality housing. Violence against Indigenous girls and women, and the innumerable lives lost to and impacted by this, demand our attention as a nation.

From discriminatory immigration policies that consider migrant workers good enough to work here but not good enough to belong here, to racial profiling that systemically discriminates against Black people, we, as activists, have much to advocate for. These systems of oppression and injustice perpetrate harmful stereotypes and uneven access to resources and political representation. For these reasons, amongst others, Unifor’s mandate to push for social justice is more relevant now than ever.

In our fight to defend human rights and combat racism, 2018 saw roundtable discussions that address these issues, along with tackling timely topics such as xenophobia and Islamophobia. Human rights training and courses that equip activists with the tools to be a voice for fairness and diversity in workplaces and beyond are other ways our union is paving the way for a more equitable world.




Christine Maclin

Director, Human Rights


Protect Public Health Care

Ontario Director

Dear Members,

Public, high quality and accessible health care is under attack here in Ontario. The Ford government recently introduced Bill 74 The Peoples Health Care Act, and if enacted this bill would bring transformative, regressive changes to our public health care system.

Bill 74 does not improve patient services, reduce hospital wait times or increase frontline health care workers. The legislation would open the door to allow for-profit corporations to provide health care services to Ontarians. Moving health care services to the private sector has resulted, time and again, in unequal access based on what patients can afford to pay.

To understand how Bill 74 would impact workers and Ontarians, I am inviting you to join us for a telephone town hall on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 pm.

Here is how you can participate:


Listen online:

Ontarians must speak up now because we cannot afford to let Bill 74 pass.


In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi
Ontario Regional Director