National Day of Mourning

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

National Day of Mourning

This is our 34th year of observing April 28 as the National Day of Mourning to remember and honour those workers who have died or who have been injured on the job.

As we reflect on the importance of the Day, we pause to keep our three Unifor brothers who lost their lives at work last year, in our thoughts.

Our fallen members since last Day of Mourning 2017:
Adam Bowden, L.112 Toromont – January 30, 2018
Eric Labelle, L.8284 Expertech – July 4, 2017
James G. Macleod, L.10-B Domtar Pulp Mill – June 29, 2017

We take a solemn moment to remember all workers across our country that went to work and did not come home, as well as the hundreds of occupational disease cases caused by asbestos and other chemical exposures.

Unifor continues to fight for removal of asbestos from workplaces and buildings as asbestos continues to be the number one cause of occupational death in Canada. More than 2,000 people die every year from diseases caused by exposure to asbestos—mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Death from mesothelioma increased 60 percent between 2000 and 2012.

We fight every day to make a difference by demanding that the places where Canadians work
must be safe. We have demanded workplace protections for victims of domestic violence and
we are taking on the stigma of mental illness and factoring it into what makes a workplace
healthy and safe because we know that not all injuries are visible injuries.

On April 28, please participate in Day of Mourning events in your workplace and your
community. We call on our politicians to make Occupational Health and Safety a priority when
considering legislation that impacts workplaces and communities.

The message is clear – one workers death is one too many. Fight for the living, mourn for the
In solidarity,
Jerry Dias                                                        Sari Sairanen
National President                                         Director, Health, Safety and Environment

Earth Day April 22


On April 22 we celebrate Earth Day.

This is a day to reflect on the importance of our environment and the clear connection that it shares in our daily health.

We need to build a green economy that transforms the mode of production and consumption in our society, making existing jobs more environmentally sustainable, and simultaneously creates new decent paying, full time, safe and healthy green jobs in all sectors of society.

We need strategies that will put public interest above corporate interest; a strategy that recognizes the threat of climate change; and one that sees Canada capture a larger share of the new jobs and growth spawned by the global shift to renewable energy.

Our members demand that we protect their jobs and incomes.  At the same time, our members also demand that we work hard to improve the environment.  Both demands are reasonable ones to put on our union. Both demands would serve us well.

For future generations – for our future – participate and demonstrate support for environmental protection this Sunday in your community.

In solidarity,


National Health, Safety and Environment Department

Stop Trump Tariffs

Dear members,

As you may have heard, U.S. President Donald Trump is introducing chaos into trade relations with Canada. His latest attack on Canadian workers put five pulp & paper mills in jeopardy of closure.

Last month, the U.S. Department of Commerce levied a new round of “anti-dumping” duties on products produce by Kruger Inc. in Corner Brook, N.L. and Catalyst Paper in Powell River, Port Alberni, and Crofton B.C. In all, 1,500 jobs could vanish by the end of the year.

These tariffs have one goal in mind: weaken Canadian paper manufactures for the benefit of U.S. producers—some of whom are close personal friends of the president.

Unifor has responded with a high profile campaign to fight back against Trump the bully. I’m asking you take two important steps to help:

Thank you for taking the time to show solidarity with Unifor members.

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias                                                                                                                                                                                               National President

1996-O Chief Steward Nomination period

Local 1996-O,  7 day Chief Steward Nomination period is now open, nominations must be received by Fax (416-538-1997) (Emailed submissions will not be accepted, you must have a fax transmission receipt for conformation)  no later than April 27 2018 at 10:00am EST.  Elections to commence May 2018.

Eligibility: Nominees must be a currently existing Steward in Local 1996-O

Nomination Form Chief Steward 2018