Annual Vacation selection deadline

Reminder, that your annual vacation selection deadline is prior to January 15, 2018. available on the BTS inet

Article 19.03

Beginning December 1st of each year for all employees, the Company shall prepare the
vacation schedule for the following year. Employees shall inform their manager of their
choice prior to January 15th and the Company shall post the vacation schedule at the
latest on January 31st.

Permanent Transfer Procedure Deadline approaching

Once yearly for the entire month of January members may choose to fill out a transfer request on the BTS inet


Article 20.01

a) Once a year, during the entire month of January, Full-Time and Senior Part-Time
employees may put their names on the transfer list through written notice to
their Operations Manager, using the form designed for this purpose

WHSC Co-Chair Royal Windsor

Local 1996-O would like to welcome Lou Donisi as the Co-Chair for the Royal Windsor Workplace Health and Safety Committee. We would also like to recognize and thank Dale Waye for all his past and continued hard work as he will continue as a H/S Representative in Royal Windsor.

We appreciate all the hard work our H/S Reps do for their members, keep up the hard work!


In Solidarity,


Lee, Brian and Chris

Greed is not OK’: Backlash grows against Tim Hortons worker benefit cuts

Local 1996-O Executive joined a protest in Durham over the weekend. Just one more of several locations…shame

Critics claim Tim Hortons needs to take a stand on the issue or risk losing customers


The backlash against both Tim Hortons and individual franchise owners continues to rage after some owners cut employee benefits to offset Ontario’s minimum wage hike.

The restaurant chain’s Facebook page has been flooded with hundreds of angry comments from customers, and protests are taking place today at several Tim Hortons outlets in Ontario to demand employees get their benefits back.

“It’s definitely hurting Tim Hortons’ image,” said retail expert Bruce Winder about the growing backlash. “This could really multiply into something significant.”

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