Fighting Hunger


The work of a food bank is to provide supplementary nutritional support to those in the society who, through unemployment, disability or economic marginalization are unable to meet all of their dietary needs.

Beyond the provision of food, the Parkdale Community Food Bank must be a place of dignity, safety, respite and repose, where participants are made to feel that they are respected members of a community of mutual support. They share their gifts, and the resources available to them, based on their need, and according to their abilities. Members are encouraged to participate in the work through volunteerism, in an accepting and non-judgemental manner. By the contribution of each member to the other, we seek to lift each other up.



FoodShare is a non-profit organization that works with communities and schools to deliver healthy food and food education. We believe everyone deserves access to affordable high-quality fresh food. Since 1985, FoodShare has pioneered innovative programs like the Good Food Box, impacted what kids eat in school, and improved the way people eat and grow food across Toronto every day.


I had the pleasure of meeting these great people and organizations to present donations totaling $4500 on behalf of Unifor Social Justice Fund and the Ontario Regional Council. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. It was a pleasure to meet the many volunteers that are dedicated and serve their communities on a daily basis to help eliminate poverty. Click the links above to find out where you can volunteer.

FoodShare TorontoParkdale Food bank 2





In Solidarity,


Lee Zommers

Unifor Free Trade Update Message

Hello Sisters and Brothers/ Bonjour consœurs et confrères,


Last week negotiations on a free trade deal with China failed, reportedly over Canada’s insistence that the agreement include sections on labour standards, environmental regulations and gender rights. This is welcome news as it just doesn’t make sense to enter into a trade deal with partners that fail to share our values or our goals regarding trade.  / La semaine dernière, les négociations sur un accord de libre-échange avec la Chine ont échoué, apparemment à cause de l’insistance du Canada voulant que l’accord inclut des sections sur les normes du travail, des règlements environnementaux et des droits en matière de genre. Cette nouvelle doit être bien accueillie, car il ne fait aucun sens de conclure un accord commercial avec des partenaires qui ne partagent pas nos valeurs ou nos objectifs en matière de commerce.


Yesterday Jerry appeared on CTV’s Question Period and on Global’s The West Block to share Unifor’s position on trade with China, as well as the TPP and ongoing negotiations for a new NAFTA agreement. / Hier, Jerry Dias a participé à  l’émission Question Period de CTV et à l’émission The West Block de Global pour exprimer la position d’Unifor sur le commerce avec la Chine, sur le PTP également et sur les négociations en cours pour renouveler l’ALENA

To watch click on the links below/ Vous pouvez regarder ces émissions en cliquant sur les liens suivants : anglais seulement.


In solidarity/En toute solidarité,

Scott Doherty

Executive Assistant to the National President

Happy Holidays! Open House

Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all!!



Come see us for our OPEN HOUSE. Thursday Dec, 14, 2017 5-9pm at our new office 30 Bertrand Ave B204.Scarb. (Warden and Eglinton). Come and celebrate the Holiday season with us!