U.S. internet service providers get green light to sell user data — but what about Canada?

ISPs here can only share your personal information with your express consent

Privacy protections designed to prevent U.S. internet service providers from sharing or selling subscribers’ personal information with third parties — without permission — were dismantled by U.S. Congress on Tuesday.

It means that information about the apps American internet subscribers use, the websites they visit, and the things they purchase online — among other things — can potentially be tracked, shared, and monetized by third parties, unless those users opt out.

You might be pleased to learn that Canada, which often follows the U.S. lead on technology issues, has taken a different approach. Here, internet service providers can only share your personal information with third parties with your express consent.

Tamir Israel, a staff lawyer at the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, says you have the privacy commissioner of Canada and the CRTC to thank.

Both organizations have released decisions in recent years that effectively limit the information internet service providers can collect and use for secondary purposes, such as marketing, without your consent………………


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No, your Canadian internet service provider can’t sell your information as in the U.S.

RPT, SPT Minutes of Settlement for availability of work

Minutes of Settlement

Whereas the Union has filed Grievance  claiming the Company has developed an unreasonable and arbitrary rule concerning availability when not scheduled for work as an extension of its attendance policy, Including the requirement to carry phones and check for schedule changes when not scheduled to work;

Whereas the core of the grievance Is the fact that the Company has disciplined Regular Part­ Time employees (“RPT”) and Senior Part-Time employees (“SPT”) that did not show up to work on-non-guaranteed days of rest (“NGR”) pursuant to a scheduled day of rest (“DOR”);

Whereas the parties are desirous of settling this matter amicably, without any admission of liability or of wrongdoing;



Unifor Scholarships – Deadline April 30 2017

Unifor is committed to building the strongest and most effective union to bargain on behalf of our members, work with our members to improve their rights, and extend the benefits of unionization to non-unionized workers in Canada.  We are also concerned about the lives of our members’ families.  We recognize that post-secondary education is out of reach for many working-class children due to skyrocketing tuition fees.  To assist in making education more accessible, we’ve established 28 scholarships worth $2,000.00 each.

The scholarships are awarded to sons/daughters of Unifor members in good standing.  Students must be entering their first year of full-time post-secondary education (university, community college, technological institute, trade school, etc.) in a public Canadian institution.  One of these scholarships will also be available to a Unifor member with at least one year seniority.  These are entrance Scholarships only and are not renewable for students entering subsequent years of study.

Deadline for submitting an application is April 30.

Click here to download the 2017 Scholarship Announcement.

Click here to download the 2017 application.