Ontario Bell Technical Solutions clerical workers ratify new contract



Members of Unifor Local 1996-O voted 100% in favour of a new collective agreement that secures better benefits and significant wage increases.

The 4-year deal, retroactive to January 7, 2023, delivers 3.25% wage increases in each year of the contract.

“With better pay, benefits, and the security to continue working from home, BTS clerical members have a great contract that they can rely on for the next several years,” said Lee Zommers, Unifor Local 1996-O President. “Not only will members see the difference in wage increases, but they now have access to improved retirement security at the end of their careers.”

Additional highlights of the deal include:

  • Anti-Racism Advocate
  • Introduction of a DC pension plan with increased employer contributions
  • More full-time positions including 1-time ratification upgrades
  • Improved work-life balance

The contract covers approximately 50 Bell Technical Solutions clerical workers, members of Local 1996-O.

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Unifor’s submission to Ontario’s 2023 Budget Consultation

About Unifor

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector representing 315,000 members, 160,000 of whom live and work in Ontario. Unifor members work in health care, long-term care, the auto sector, public transit vehicle manufacturing, transportation, energy, gaming, hospitality and more. Unifor is pleased to provide input into Ontario’s 2023 provincial budget and recommends that government immediately implement the items below.

Public Services

Unifor is growing increasingly alarmed by the current government’s actions towards Ontario’s public services. The continued starvation of public services, even in the face of windfall tax revenue, is incredibly disappointing and short sighted. Unifor recommends that government reverse their actions and instead reinvigorate Ontario’s public services to build a strong foundation for workers and families today and in the future.

Child Care

  • Ensure that the expansion of publicly funded, $10 a days child care focuses on not-for-profit spaces; and
  • Establish an effective workforce strategy for the child care sector that includes:
    • Salary scale starting at $25 per hour for all child care workers and $30 per hour for Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs);
    • Benefits and pensions;
    • Paid sick days;
    • Professional development time;
    • Paid programming time.

Health Care and Long-Term Care

  • Reverse the recent decision to open up more surgeries to private clinics, including future plans to expand this beyond cataracts;
  • Institute additional health care measures to address compensation and staffing levels such as:
    • Repeal Bill 124;
    • create a plan with an accountable timeline to reach wage parity across hospitals, long-term care and home care; and
    • require a ratio of at least 70% full-time staff in hospitals and long-term care.
  • Phase out for-profit long-term care homes and transition toward community-based, publicly-owned or non-profit homes; and
  • Make sure the 4 hour standard of care is mandatory at each long-term care facility and hold homes accountable for meeting the standard.


  • Enter negotiations with the Federal Government to implement a publicly funded Provincial pharmacare program providing all Ontarians access to free prescription medications.

Public Transit

  • Ensure adequate and permanent provincial funding to maintain and expand high quality, affordable public transit service and infrastructure; prohibit the use of public funds to reduce and eliminate municipal transit routes while replacing them with private micro-transit (e.g. Uber, Lyft) services; and
  • Ensure that public transit vehicle procurement requires the maximum amount of Canadian Content possible to sustain and create good jobs across the province.

Support for Workers

  • Continue the work of raising the minimum wage and ensure essential service workers are paid according to the value they bring to society:
    • Raise the minimum wage to 60% of the median wage for full-time workers. Based on this benchmark, Ontario’s 2022 minimum wage would be $18; and
    • Provide additional funding to increase the wages of low-wage workers in the broader public sector including child care workers, social service workers, health care workers, and education sector workers.
  • Introduce 10 permanent paid sick days with additional days provided to workers, as required for isolation or quarantine periods during a public health crisis. Paid-sick days must be universally accessible, flexible, employer paid and not require a doctor’s note;
  • Hire more workplace health and safety inspectors to ensure health and safety laws and regulations are being followed and workplaces are safe; and
  • Introduce legislation that enables card-based union certification.

Invest in Labour Adjustment Programs

  • Ensure adequate and permanent provincial funding to maintain and expand adjustment advisory program (AAP) agreements across the province when workers are faced with a workplace closure;
  • Continue to set-up action centres and labour adjustment committees through AAP partnerships with unions to ensure a holistic, peer-to-peer focused, collaborative approach to labour adjustment; and
  • Utilize AAP agreements and partnerships to create a dedicated auto industry labour market adjustment program for autoworkers affected by job displacement resulting from a shift to ZEV or other significant technological changes.

Auto Strategy and Electric Vehicles

  • Collaborate with federal and municipal governments in a comprehensive and targeted auto development strategy that implements Unifor’s 29 recommendations in its policy program “Navigating the Road Ahead” and facilitates investments in zero emission vehicle (ZEV) assembly programs, battery cell production and other critical component parts alongside internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle and powertrain programs;
  • Continue investing in EV infrastructure, including charging stations (that support the benchmark target of 1 charger for every 10 on-road electric vehicles) as well as the expansion of clean and renewable sources of energy to bolster the provincial power system;
  • Re-establish consumer purchasing incentives for ZEVs, coordinated with the forthcoming introduction of Canadian-made all-electric passenger vehicles;
  • Provide targeted support to identified at-risk auto parts suppliers, enabling them to retool operations, and retrain workers to participate in the growing ZEV supply chain; and
  • Coordinate, with the federal government, the delivery of a constellation of job transition supports for autoworkers affected by job displacement resulting from a shift to ZEVs. These supports would include tailored income maintenance, labour market readiness and skills upgrading (including through AAP agreements), relocation assistance, early retirement bridging, and other supports necessary to successful labour market adjustment.

Ease the School Bus Driver Shortage

  • Provide additional permanent government funding to support school bus driver hiring and retention, increase the number of buses and routes, and increase resources such as paid adult school bus monitors to assist drivers that transport younger children or students with extra needs.

Improve WSIB

  • Repeal the change to WSIB that allows the Board to return premiums to employers. Government must undertake meaningful consultation with all stakeholders on the entire workers compensation system, including benefit coverage levels and how claims are processed. Recommendations for improving the system include:
    • Increase the loss of earnings benefit to 90% and restore the 5% reduction;
    • Match the inflation rate applied to injured workers’ Loss of Earnings to the rate of increase of the CPI;
    • Restore the loss of retirement income benefit ratio to 105% contribution; and
    • Provide greater coverage for mental stress injuries and occupational diseases.
  • Provide additional payments to families of workers who have suffered a workplace fatality;
  • Provide funding to reopen access to the office of the worker advisor to unionized workers so that all injured workers can access support without discrimination; and
  • Make retirement homes a Schedule 1 employer for the purpose of WSIB so retirement home workers are covered in the event of injury.


  • Provide increased funding towards the development of community-based programs and initiatives to combat racism and Islamophobia in the province, as well providing additional resources to support the work of Ontario’s Anti-Racism Directorate, as they look to implement a renewed Anti-Racism Strategic Plan; and
  • Establish and resource a provincial Task Force, comprised of key political, labour, academic and community stakeholders, to develop and implement a plan to curb increasing rates of hate crimes against Black, Indigenous and people of colour in Ontario, including crimes stemming from Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

PeopleCare long-term care workers join Unifor


Health care workers at peopleCare long term care home in Tavistock, Ont. have voted to join Unifor.

“Health care workers across the country are demanding more for themselves and those that they care for,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “Joining a union is the first step in improving the working and living conditions in long-term care homes. I welcome our newest members at peopleCare and look forward to bargaining a first collective agreement that respects, protects and adequately pays our members.”

In the coming weeks, Unifor will focus on electing workplace representatives and continue with ongoing membership outreach for collective bargaining preparation.

“These workers now join the 30,000 health care workers who are already part of Unifor,” said Naureen Rizvi, Ontario Regional Director. “Our members at peopleCare can now draw on the depth of experience and knowledge of health care workers across the country to negotiate a contract that best reflects their true value.”

The new members include registered personal support workers, health care aides, screening and recreating functions to the residents of the facility.

Season of acquisitions

Source: https://mobilesyrup.com/2023/02/04/telecom-news-roundup-the-season-of-acquisitions-jan-28-feb-4/

Bell quietly acquired Distributel in December

Rogers’ takeover of Shaw has dominated telecom headlines for the last two years. While it is the largest telecom acquisition in Canadian history, it’s not the only recent one. Bell has quietly acquired Distributel and Telus has also reportedly taken over two independent providers…..


To read the article click on the source link

Ornge workers win arbitration over Bill 124 wage re-opene

Ornge paramedics, members of Unifor Local 2002, won their arbitration over a wage re-opener clause that hinged on Bill 124, Premier Doug Ford’s disastrous anti-worker wage-suppressing legislation.

The paramedics’ last round of collective bargaining happened under the cloud of Bill 124 and the pandemic – when paramedics faced increased personal risk, overwhelming demand, and high stress. Ornge members voted 94% in favour of strike action if they were not made exempt from Bill 124 that capped their wage increases to 1%.

In September 2021, an arbitrator issued a consent award which included a wage re-opener clause to pay an additional 1% annual increase in 2020, 2021 and 2022 should Bill 124 be “repealed, amended, or rendered inoperative” within 5 years from the signing of the contract.

Unifor and other Ontario unions issued a constitutional charter challenge to Bill 124, and in late 2022 the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that Ford’s legislation unduly infringed on workers’ rights – making the bill inoperative. Following this ruling, Ornge members returned to the arbitrator seeking retroactive payments from the employer.

The employer argued the bill was under appeal and therefore they should wait before issuing payment, in case the Ontario government was successful in its appeal. However, in his decision, the arbitrator sided with the workers saying, “Any objective balancing of interests favours the employees who should not have to await the eventual judgement of the courts.”

“These are the victories that fuel us and prove that we must never give up,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “It was shameful that Ontario’s public sector workers were kept from respectable and reasonable wage increases because of unconstitutional legislation. My heartfelt congratulations to the bargaining committee and each and every paramedic at Ornge for fighting back.”

The arbitrator directed the employer to pay the amounts owing to all current and former employees within 30 days of the January 30, 2023 decision.

“Unifor is pleased with the outcome of this award and will be looking for recompense for our Ornge members,” said Tammy Moore, Unifor Local 2002 President. “Ornge prides itself on saving lives, restoring health, creating capacity and preserving dignity; it’s time Unifor members at Ornge be part of the Employer’s mission.”

Read the full decision here.