Bargaining Bulletin Update #7: Bell Clerical workers deliver strike mandate


Dear Members,

Your Bargaining Committee is happy to report the results of the strike vote. More than two-thirds of the membership voted, with 65% voting in favour of strike action.

This historic vote will send Bell Canada a clear, direct message to bring a better deal to the table. In this round of negotiations we’re clear that it’s Our Bell, and Our Jobs.

This does not mean that a strike is imminent or even probable in the immediate future. We will meet with the company and a federal conciliator from Monday June 20 – Thursday June 23, 2022. Cooling-off periods and additional rounds of conciliation may also be required.

We remain committed to negotiating a great deal for members at the bargaining table.

With movement still needed on each of your key priorities, we’re hoping that Bell take this as a message they need to meet members’ demands and offer a significant pay increase, a fair teleworking policy, and commit to an enforceable floor of employment to keep the bargaining unit healthy.

Thank you to each member who participated in Local Union meetings, the telephone town halls, strike vote meetings, and who cast their ballot in this vote.

Your careful deliberation and the trust that you have put in your bargaining committee makes our solidarity and our power stronger.

Your mobilization committee will keep in touch with even more ways to stay involved, including sharing the union’s videos about bargaining issues, released in both Ontario and Quebec.

In solidarity,

Clerical and Associated Employees Bell Bargaining Committee

Dana-Anne James                                                             Mohsen Ben Kheder
Veronique Prévost                                                            Steve Couillard
Simona Sladkowski                                                           Raymond Thibert
Nena Bogdanovich – National Representative           Myriam Germain – National Representative