BTS – Saturday Scheduling

Sisters and Brothers, 1996-O

The local Executive have been working with the Bargaining Committee and have investigated the below mentioned in a communication from the bargaining committee and provided the data to be corrected in relation to RFT 3 and RPT status. If you find your schedule has not been corrected please reach out to an Executive member and we will work with the committee to have the errors addressed.


Bargaining Committee message:


Sisters and Brothers,


As most of you know the company violated Article 16, specifically pertaining to RFT3 (16.02 e) iii)) technicians being scheduled to work more than 6 out of 8 Saturdays on the current 8 week schedule.


Last week, we asked Locals to send us examples from your work centres so that we could address this issue directly with the company at the bargaining table. They have informed us today that they have corrected this for effected technicians, but we ask that you check and make sure that this has been resolved in your areas.


While reviewing the examples from locals that were submitted, we also noticed that part timers were not scheduled their guaranteed weekend off (for the quarter), as per Article 16.04 L).


Thank you,
Your BTS Bargaining Committee

Clayton Nunn, National Representative