Join Jerry Dias to demand action on long-term care


The ongoing crisis in Ontario long-term care has led to horrific conditions and the tragic deaths of more than 3,400 residents and at least 11 frontline long-term care workers from COVID-19.

As the cases continue to mount, Ontario Unifor members must raise our collective voices to push the provincial government to act.

Workers from all sectors are asked to support the thousands of Unifor frontline long-term care members and the vulnerable LTC residents that they care for.

You can make a difference this Friday by joining the online protest at 10 a.m., hosted by the Ontario Health Coalition.   

LTC residents account for nearly two-thirds of the province’s total COVID deaths and preventable loss of life is rapidly increasing. In recent days, the death toll has amounted to more than one resident every hour of every day.

Here’s how to join the action on Friday morning. Go to to watch and participate in online actions throughout the protest to help Save Our Seniors.

Unifor National President Jerry Dias will call for immediate government action during his live online address, scheduled for 10:09 a.m.

What:                Ontario Health Coalition Save Our Seniors Protest

When:               Friday, January 29, 2021 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Share the message online using #carenotprofits and #SaveOurSeniors hashtags.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi
Ontario Regional Director