Tragic loss in 519

Our condolences go out to the Lane-Pratt family


A Communication sent from BTS Manager Brad Atkinson from London on March 11 2019

Last week one of our technicians, Mike Lane-Pratt lost his son Gavin, Gavin was only 14 months. Mike and his wife Tryna are absolutely devastated with the sudden and tragic loss. We are trying to do everything we can to assist the family in this time of need and support. I have set up a Go fund me page to assist them with any cost during this time of grief. We have already raised over $19,000. We have shared it all across social media. I am hoping by using this great channel of Bell/BTS we can show our support to one of our own.


Let’s show Mike and Tryna that we are supporting them, and show them the love her at BTS. Please click the link below to donate and share the link with friends and family