Tri-union coalition demands Ford get health care system off life support

December 6, 2023


Unifor members alongside health care workers and community activists attended the Ontario Health Coalitions Day of Action to advocate against the alarming trend of hospital service closures across the province.

“As Unifor members, our presence today signifies more than support – it’s a commitment to fight for the preservation and improvement of our healthcare services,” said Samia Hashi, Unifor Ontario Regional Director. “We continue to rally behind our ‘Save Health Care’ campaign, which represents our collective voice in calling for impactful changes and sustainable solutions to ensure that every Ontarian has access to the quality healthcare they deserve.”

At the Day of Action the Coalition released it latest report, “Unprecedented and Worsening: Ontario’s Local Hospital Closures 2023,” that offers a startling overview of the healthcare situation in Ontario. The report details an unprecedented number of hospital closures, including 868 emergency department closures, highlighting a healthcare system in distress.

“The data revealed is not just alarming, it’s a wake-up call. Our health care system, a lifeline for so many, is under threat,” said Hashi.

As the Ford government continues policies that exacerbate these challenges, Unifor continues to demand immediate action to fund public health care, address the staff crisis and rise in hospital closures.

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