1996-O Member Message

1996-O Executive Message

1996-O Sisters and Brothers,


As we continue to move through these unprecedented times, it’s important that you are kept updated on information to ensure your Health and Safety in these difficult times. President Lee Zommers as well as the rest of the Executive continues to monitor new policies from the company as well as our National Union. We are engaged in Health and safety conference calls weekly and we are providing support for our incredible health and Safety reps as well as our Co-chairs. These members have worked so diligently to ensure you remain healthy and safe at work. We are updating our social media outlets constantly including our website, Local Facebook and our new mental health; Listen up Facebook page as well as twitter. These links are located at the bottom of this email. Please visit them often.


It is of course understandable and very normal to be concerned and at times, you may feel overwhelmed but we all need to believe that this will end in time and life will again show normality. We are in this together!


We are social beings and as such, social distancing can be difficult but it is nevertheless necessary for us to remain healthy and we ask you to continue following governmental guidelines with regards to this.


Our members are true heroes every day in what we do. We keep our customers connected. At the end of the day you should all go home to your families with your head held very high knowing this important fact.


We have been engaged in our 1996-O COVID Hero campaign. On all our social media outlets, we have been featuring selfie pics of you, our 1996-O heroes. If you would like to be part of this campaign, please reply to this email with your selfie at home or at work. We want to show the country our true Heroes. These selfies will only be used once and for this purpose only. Please join the dozens of members who have already submitted theirs and send yours today.


Friends, although it is very difficult for the Executive to do normal visibility at our work centres and our planned BBQ’s at the moment, it is essential that you know that we are here whenever you need us. This is our continued commitment to you. We are a phone call or email away when you need us.


If you having difficulty with any Mental health issue, Brian Lowery, the trained local Mental health advocate and elected member of the UNIFOR ORC Health, safety and environmental committee can be reached confidentially at any time at  welistenup1996@gmail.com

 https://www.facebook.com/UNIFOR1996O/ We Listen Up

We sincerely hope your families are healthy and we are confident that with this increased time with them, you will all remain strong.

In Solidarity,

Lee,  Brian,  Sanjay, Chris

Local 1996-O

