More than 10,000 Ontarians Rally for Public Health Care


Unifor members across the province united in hope with more 10,000 Ontarians at the April 30 Ontario Health Coalition’s Rally for Public Healthcare.

People from across the province filled the lawn of Queen’s Park to oppose Doug Ford’s privatization agenda and health care cuts.

“If there is one thing we know about Canadians, it’s that they love our public health care system and will staunchly defend the right to access quality, public care,” said Katha Fortier, Assistant to National President. “That’s why Unifor locals organized buses from every corner of this province to unite on April 30.”

The rally brought together Unifor members, labour unions, community partners, patients and concerned citizens to push back against the Ford government’s moves to destroy public services in Ontario. Participants carried handmade signs and posters with their vision of stronger public healthcare, and critiques of the Conservatives’ destruction.

“This incredible rally brought together Unifor activists from as far as Sault Saint Marie who boarded  to buses at as 3:00 a.m. to unite for a better Ontario and fight back against Ford’s privatization agenda,” said Naureen Rizvi Ontario Regional Director. “The dedication by Unifor activists shows me that a better Ontario is possible. An Ontario that invests in health care, and education, and where workers’ rights are defended.”

Last week, the Ontario legislature passed Bill 74, titled “The Peoples Health Care Act” giving sweeping new powers to the Minister of Health and to fifteen appointed board members, opening the door to profit-driven companies.

“How does a politician who ran on the slogan for the people govern like he is only interested in serving corporations and his wealthy friends?” said Rizvi, at the rally on April 30.

“The people of Ontario are rising up against Doug Ford’s privatization agenda. We have seen high school students walk out of their classrooms protesting education cuts, families of children with autism protest inside Queen’s Park against funding cuts and today we have over 10,000 Ontarians on the lawn of Queen’s Park letting Doug Ford know public health care is not for sale,” continued Rizvi.

“The scale of the Conservatives’ destruction to healthcare is staggering,” said Rizvi. “Every government is answerable to the people, and the people of Ontario can win against this governments’ privatization and cuts.”

Unifor members will continue to organize community town halls, events and rallies across the province to stop Ford’s privatization agenda

National Day of Mourning

The National Day of Mourning, held annually in Canada on April 28, is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives, or suffered injury or illness on the job or due to a work-related tragedy.

Every year on April 28 we pay our respects to, and remember, the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents.

We also honour the many families and friends who have been deeply affected by these tragedies.

Every worker has the right to return home safe and sound at the end of each work day.

By working together – with employers, workers and our health and safety partners – we can prevent worker injuries and deaths before they occur.


The National Day of Mourning is not only a day to remember and honour those lives lost or injured due to a workplace tragedy, but also a day to renew the commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace and prevent further injuries, illnesses and deaths.

On April 28th the Canadian flag will fly at half-mast on Parliament Hill and on all federal government buildings. Employers and workers will observe Day of Mourning in a variety of ways. Some light candles, lay wreaths, wear commemorative pins, ribbons or black armbands, and pause for a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m.


In 1991, eight years after the day of remembrance was launched by the Canadian Labour Congress, the Parliament of Canada passed the Workers Mourning Day Act making April 28 an official Day of Mourning. Today the Day of Mourning has since spread to about 100 countries around the world and is recognized as Workers’ Memorial Day, and as International Workers’ Memorial Day by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

It is the hope of CCOHS that the annual observance of this day will help strengthen the resolve to establish safe and healthy conditions in the workplace, and prevent further injuries and deaths. As much as this is a day to remember the dead, it is also a call to protect the living and make work a place to thrive.

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