Bell Sales breakthrough to #EndStackedRanking


February 11, 2019
To: All Bell locals/units across Canada
Re: Bell Sales breakthrough to #EndStackedRanking
Today, after extensive campaigning, member mobilization, a CRTC submission, an employee survey and hundreds of grievances, our Unifor Bell Sales bargaining committee is introducing language for ratification that eliminates the stacked ranking system of performance management.
The company has committed to the creation of a new predictable, individual merit-based system without the use of stacked ranking. As a result, members will no longer be pitted against one another for the purpose of determining who is placed on coaching for success.
Further to this development, the company has committed to discussions with Unifor on the use of stacked ranking in other Bell units in the coming weeks. Bell Canada appears to be open to making significant changes to address this very pressing issue for our members across many bargaining units.

Letter to Bell units re elimination of stacked ranking


In solidarity,
Jerry Dias,                                    Renaud Gagné,
Unifor National President        Unifor Québec Director


Campaign to #SaveOshawaGM

Jerry Dias

Sisters and Brothers,


As you know, we are in the fight of our lives as we campaign to #SaveOshawaGM. This column in the Windsor Star marks a pivotal point in the campaign to convince GM to reverse its decision on the Oshawa Assembly Plant. Please take a moment to read it and share it widely with members and on social media on Facebook and Twitter and use these hashtags:






In Solidarity,

Jerry Dias

National President

Ontario Healthcare Privatization:


Dear members,

In the past week, some disturbing information has come to light about plans made by the Conservative Government about privatization and outsourcing of Ontario’s healthcare system.

First, a draft bill was leaked to the Ontario NDP. Leader Andrea Horwath shared the document at a media conference and the contents were troubling. The Bill, that we now know the Progressive Conservative Cabinet approved on January 16, set out a plan to create a healthcare “Super-Agency” with sweeping powers.

The draft bill would dissolve the Local Health Integrated Networks (LHINs) and create one centralized government agency. The Minister of Health and the new “Super Agency” would have the capacity to close or merge health services, such as hospitals, long-term care homes or community health centres. 

New information released on Monday of this week further outlined this betrayal of the people of Ontario. A separate secret government document revealed a plan of widespread outsourcing of vital services including inspections, laboratories, licensing, devices and Ornge.  

This is alarming. As a union member, I am worried for the healthcare workers who are already asked to do too much with far too little.

Our members who work as paramedics with Ornge do not deserve the pressure of being specifically named for outsourcing as they perform a critical and highly stressful public service.

As an Ontarian who relies on the same healthcare system, I an angry that the Conservatives are deceiving the public and making these secret plans to dismantle our public services.

When the Conservatives were in power under Harris, they took a chainsaw to our healthcare system. We are still feeling the effects in private long-term care homes, in hospitals and clinics right across the province.

The government has a responsibility and a mandate to invest in healthcare, to benefit all people in this province.

We have requested a meeting with Christine Elliot, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, to discuss the possibly devastating effects of changes like those described in the leaked documents.  We will continue to demand that this government immediately cease all strategies to dismantle our public healthcare system.

There is a better way forward. I recently presented to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, and shared Unifor’s plan to protect public services and support all of our communities. This plan includes fully funding healthcare, including hospitals, drug coverage, mental health care and long-term care.

The people of Ontario did not vote for cuts, and we can afford to invest in our world-class healthcare system, to make it even better. If you would like more information about Unifor’s presentation to the finance committee, the submission is attached to this email.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi
Ontario Regional Director

Unifor workers in Whitby walk off job in campaign to save GM Oshawa plant

The Oshawa General Motors car assembly plant is seen in Oshawa, Ont., Monday Nov 26, 2018.




WHITBY, Ont. — Unifor says workers at an autoparts supplier in Whitby, Ont. have walked off the job in solidarity with the union’s campaign to save the General Motors assembly plant in Oshawa, Ont.

The union says employees at the Lear Corp. operation, which supplies seats to the GM Oshawa plant, started demonstrating early Friday morning.

It says the 350 workers at the Lear plant face probable job losses if GM goes ahead with its planned closure of the Oshawa plant by the end of the year.

Unifor president Jerry Dias says the workers and the union are demanding government action to help protect jobs.

 The closure of the Oshawa plant will mean the loss of about 2,600 unionized jobs. The union says thousands of spin-off jobs are at risk because of the closure.

Unifor has been campaigning to save the plant, including with walk-offs and a call to boycott GM vehicles from Mexico, since the company announced its plans last November.