Defend Democracy in Toronto



I am concerned about the dramatically undemocratic actions of Premier Ford through his attack on the people of Toronto and municipalities.

In the middle of the municipal election, he introduced Bill 5. If adopted, this legislation will slash the number of Toronto council seats in half and cancel regional chairperson elections in York, Peel, Niagara and Muskoka, so that Premier Ford can appoint hand-picked chair people instead.

No matter what your opinion is on the size of council, some facts cannot be ignored. The democratically-elected Toronto City Council voted against this plan already, and it was rejected in court challenges, twice. Yesterday, Ford refused to answer opposition questions on the legislation that will affect the city’s close to 3 million residents. There has been no consultation on this change. There is no mandate for this unprecedented attack on municipal democracy.

Will you come to Queen’s Park tomorrow and show Premier Ford just how strong Troonto’s opposition is?

What: Pack the Queen’s Park Gallery
When: Thursday August 2, 2018 at 9:45 a.m.
Where: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Queen’s Park, south entrance

RSVP with the Ontario NDP.  

Show up to the Legislature and tell Doug Ford that residents of Toronto expect their provincial government to govern fairly and with respect, not toss transparency, consultation and common sense out the window.

Your actions matter in the defense of democracy.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi,
Ontario Regional Director

Welcome 1996-O Stewards

The Local Executive is very pleased to welcome newly trained STEWARDS of the BTS craft unit in 1996-O, Rafael Gaspar, Gorges Mando and Chan Hyun Lee in 416 West, as well as Eric Blaney 905 C Royal Windsor and Sherwin Stephens in Orangeville.  Please join us in welcoming these individuals who share the same focus and have made a commitment to proudly represent the Members of Local 1996-O.

The Executive would also like to extend a thank you to all the Stewards for the continuous work they do on behalf of the members they serve on a daily basis.

In Solidarity

BTS Bulletin 7/17/2018

July 17, 2018
Sisters and Brothers,

As part of an ongoing effort to keep members informed of the issues and discussions that we
are having with the employer, we will be continuing to write bulletins for distribution when
required. Having said that, we will try to keep the bulletins as short as possible; understanding
that some topics may require more detail than others.

Most of the disagreements and grievances so far this year are related to work scheduling and
Workforce Management. As this is being written, we still have no resolutions to the issues below.
Individual grievances continue to be filed around the Province by Locals. A National
Policy Grievance has been filed on Consecutive Days of Rest for full-time employees.


Read More……BTS Bulletin 7172018

BTS Bulletin 7/13/2018

July 13, 2018
Sisters and Brothers,
We are writing this letter as part of an ongoing effort to keep you informed of issues currently facing members of the Bell Technical Solutions bargaining unit. The Committee met with the Company in a series of scheduled meetings. As a result, we have become aware of some important issues regarding scheduling and the working of overtime.
As many of you have now seen on your work schedules, the company has decided to start scheduling full-time employees around the province on a 6×4 during a pay period with no explanation or notice as per the Canada Labour Code. This language is old and not commonly used but has been there since the creation of the Company.
When an employee is on a 6×4 schedule in the pay period, in the first week all six days are regular hours of work and the four days in the 2nd week are regular hours as well. This is outlined in Article 16.02 b), and as such no overtime rate applies to the 6th day in week one.

Read More here….BTS Bulletin 7132018