35% Alarm Force Discount


All BTS employees in Ontario
The Human Resources Team
35% AlarmForce discount for BTS employees
All Bell Technical Solutions team members in Ontario and Québec can now get a 35% employee discount on AlarmForce home security and automation solutions, and receive 2 months free when signing up as a new customer by June 30.
The discount applies to the monthly fee for Smart Home bundles. Some bundles also include the AlarmForce app, which enables you to check the status of your security system, lock doors, adjust temperatures, access home video cameras remotely from your smartphone and more.
If you are currently with another provider, AlarmForce can easily take over your system and even convert your current equipment to work with your new system. Plus, you can expect many more innovations as we grow Bell’s Connected Home business in the months and years ahead.
We are also featuring a 15% discount on our innovative AlarmCare Medical Alert system that provides access to emergency response services at the push of a button for family members who may have a medical issue that affects their independence.
For more details about the discounts, eligibility and plan pricing please visit the AlarmForce discount page on i-net.
Your Human Resources Team


Show Support for Port Arthur Health Centre striking workers


Being part of a union that prides itself on advocating for working people and their rights means that we must be willing to step up and defend the sisters and brothers in our union. Right now I am asking for your help; your voice and advocacy is needed.

There are 65 striking workers from Unifor Local 229, all women, at Port Arthur Health Centre who have been on the picket line for over 11 weeks now; the strike began on April 9.  After nearly three months, the employer refuses to come back to the bargaining table to try and negotiate a fair deal for these workers. We need your help to apply pressure on the employer and help to end this strike.

There are three ways you can be an advocate for these striking workers.

  1. Send the employer a message with our online Labour Start campaign. Click here to show your solidarity with the workers and tell the employer, to get back to bargaining!

Over 1000 people from across the world have already sent emails to the employer through   this campaign, join them today!

  1. Watch and share this video about the strike. To share the voices of striking workers please extend our reach and share the video through your own social media with friends, family and beyond.
  2. Donate towards the strike fund for these workers – click here for more information on how to contribute.

While the Port Arthur Health Centre can well afford to pay the workers what they deserve and show respect for these women’s work, they would rather pile up profits. Now is the time to stand in solidarity with workers as they fight for fair wages and job security.

As you join this action on Labour Start, also consider checking the box that adds you to the Labour Start mailing list, so you can stay updated on future solidarity campaigns across Canada and beyond.

If you have any questions or concerns about how you can add your voice to these workers’ call for justice please contact Andy Savela, Director of Health Care at Andy.Savela@unifor.org.

I would ask that you join me in taking action today.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi

Ontario Regional Director

BTS – Collective Agreement Union Question and Answer Document for Members

2018 Collective Agreement Question and Answer Document

Brothers and Sisters,

We have created this question and answer document so you will have a clear understanding of the changes made to the Collective Agreement primarily related to scheduling and overtime and benefits, so you will be better prepared to exercise your rights.

Remember that when you have a question regarding any of your rights under the Collective Agreement ask your local union representatives, not your manager.

Q= Question, A= Answer

1. Q – Has the new Collective Agreement been signed?
A – Yes, after completing a number of reviews for accuracy and structure, the agreement has been signed. PDF copies are now available with printed copies coming later this year.

Please click the link below for the full Q&A document

2018 Collective Agreement Union QA for Members

Unifor National Family Day at Canada’s Wonderland – July 8, 2018


Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Please find attached a poster for Unifor Family Day at Canada’s Wonderland on Sunday July 8th, 2018.

Exclusive Unifor National Hour on select rides! Behemoth Area, Lumberjack
Area & Kidzville

Full day at the park (9am – 10pm)

Reduced ticket price includes  ALL YOU CAN EAT Lunch Buffet!

You must click on the link provided here, or on the attached flyer to receive the exclusive Unifor rate.

$41.22 + HST Regular (adult)       $37.22 + HST Junior/Senior
*Please note when you sign- in and book online the 11:30am time reflects when lunch begins*


Username: cw-unifornational     Password: familyday18

UNIFOR NATIONAL – Canada’s Wonderland 2018