Bell secures the most 5G+ spectrum nationwide with acquisition of 3800 MHz licenses

Source :

MONTRÉAL, Nov. 30, 2023 /CNW/ – Bell today announced it is securing additional spectrum licenses, acquired through the federal government’s 3800 MHz auction, to continue bringing super-fast and reliable 5G+ wireless service (opens in new window)  to more people and businesses across Canada.

Key details about Bell’s 3800 MHz wireless spectrum acquisition:

  • Secured 1.77 billion MHz-Pop for $518 million ($0.29 per MHz-Pop).
  • Acquired 939 spectrum licenses, providing Bell with 100 MHz of 3500 MHz and 3800 MHz cross-band spectrum across approximately 99 per cent of Canada’s population, which provides more people and businesses nationwide with better digital experiences.

Key details about Bell’s 5G+ spectrum position:

  • Bell to have access to an industry-leading 3.5 billion MHz-Pop of 5G+ spectrum (combining the 3500 MHz and 3800 MHz spectrum bands).
  • Bell acquired its 5G+ spectrum at a total cost of $2.78 billion ($0.79 per MHz-Pop), the lowest among national wireless carriers.


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Academics endorse Bill C-58, Federal Ban on Replacement Workers

November 29, 2023


More than seventy academics have united in support of a federal ban on replacement workers (Bill C-58). The bill is currently undergoing its Second Reading in the House of Commons, presenting a historic opportunity to reshape the landscape of workers’ rights in federally regulated workplaces.

Signed by work and labour studies researchers, scholars, and policy experts, the letter argues that adopting Bill C-58 could significantly enhance workers’ rights and foster healthier labour relations by:

  • Strengthening the collective bargaining process and levelling the playing field in contract disputes;
  • Banning the use of strike-breakers that inflame tensions and poison workplace relationships;
  • Reducing instances of picket line violence;
  • Incentivizing employers to focus on reaching negotiated settlements at the bargaining table rather than strategizing over how to best undermine union members exercising their right to strike.

Addressing concerns raised by business lobbyists, the letter dismisses assertions that a ban on replacement workers would deter investment or increase the likelihood of work stoppages. Drawing on the experiences of Quebec and British Columbia, where similar legislation is already in place for provincially regulated industries, the experts argue that these concerns are unfounded. In those provinces, such legislation did not lead to escalating wage demands, dramatic increases in strike activity, nor economic collapse.

The letter strongly rebuffs calls by corporate interests to water down the bill, emphasizing that Bill C-58 is already a compromise. It exempts the federal public service, and restrictions on replacement workers apply only to those employed before the notice to bargain collectively is given. Further diluting the bill, the experts argue, would render it meaningless.

The experts also express concern about the lengthy timeline for the bill’s implementation, which is set at 18 months after receiving Royal Assent. They argue that such a delay is unnecessary and advocate for amending the legislation to take effect sooner rather than later.

With its potential to reshape labour relations and bolster workers’ rights, Bill C-58 represents a historic opportunity that should not be missed. To read the open letter, visit:

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

November 28, 2023


Unifor marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on December 3, embracing this year’s theme: “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world.” This theme resonates deeply with our commitment as a union to champion the rights and inclusion of workers with disabilities.

The current socio-political and economic landscape presents unprecedented challenges. In these times of crisis, the risk of persons with disabilities being marginalized increases significantly. Unifor is dedicated to addressing these challenges head-on, ensuring that disability inclusion is more than an ideal and a tangible reality in workplaces across the country.

We recognize the current labour market as an opportunity to redefine the intersection of work and disability. It’s a chance to actively address the unemployment and underemployment of persons with disabilities while simultaneously tackling current challenges in access to employment.

Our goal is to create a work environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can contribute meaningfully and thrive. This IDPD, Unifor urges all members and locals to actively participate in fostering an inclusive environment.

Here’s how you can take action to show solidarity and promote inclusion:

  1. Utilize Unifor’s Inclusive Practices Toolkit: Enhance awareness and understanding of inclusivity in your workplace.
  2. Social Media Action on December 3: Share stories and achievements of persons with disabilities using Unifor’s social media shareables, emphasizing their abilities and contributions.
  3. Challenge Perceptions: Reflect on how disability is perceived in your workplace and take steps towards creating a more inclusive environment.
  4. Educate and Engage: During your next General Membership Meeting, play Unifor’s Workers with Disabilities Video to educate and engage members on the topic.

Together, let’s embrace the power of solidarity to transform our workplaces into models of inclusivity and equity, not just on this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, but every day.

Statement for December 6, 2023


November 29, 2023


Unifor marks December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. On this day, we solemnly remember the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre when 14 women were killed on their Montreal campus, and all lives tragically lost to gender-based violence, and we recommit to the ongoing battle against this pervasive and deeply unjust violence.

Violence against women is not an issue that affects women alone; it is a deeply entrenched societal problem that demands collective action and staunch commitment. We understand the fight for gender equality and the eradication of violence against women are interconnected struggles, and they are at the heart of the work within our union.

Unifor is recognized internationally for its Women’s Advocate program that educates members to be a source of support for colleagues facing harassment or violence. Having a Women’s Advocate in the workplace can be lifesaving for members who are seeking help and protection. If you do not have a Women’s Advocate in your workplace, consider making it a priority at the bargaining table and discuss this with your fellow members.

We must never relent in our efforts to challenge the systems that perpetuate gender-based violence. It is crucial that we call for and actively work towards the implementation of policies and practices that ensure the safety, respect, and equitable treatment of all individuals, irrespective of their gender.

We urge all members of Unifor to join us in the critical endeavor to end violence against women. Together, we have the power to create a world where no woman lives in fear, where every woman’s dignity is respected, and where gender-based violence becomes a dark chapter in history rather than a lived reality.

It is only through collective action that we can create a just and equitable society where violence against women is an unthinkable act.

As you mark the day with vigils and events with your local, or by wearing your December 6 button, we ask that you share your photos with We will share submitted photos of members marking December 6 on our social channels to highlight your work in fighting for equality and respect.

Canadians deserve better than misinformed battery plant debate


By Lana Payne

Originally published in the Windsor Star November 25, 2023

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

The famous quote from American author and funny-man Mark Twain helps summarize the firestorm surrounding Windsor’s NextStar battery plant.

What started as an innocuous social media post from, of all groups, the Windsor Police Service has become a fire-and-brimstone level debate in this country.

It’s not everyday the police find themselves making major industrial job announcements in this country. The tweet cryptically suggested 1,600 South Koreans were coming to “work and live” in Canada, in connection to the lucrative Stellantis-LG joint venture battery plant.

Now, don’t misunderstand me.  The police tweet had me scratching my head.

Anyone who knows anything about the start-up of major industrial projects knows that it takes a lot of different people, in many different jobs, to pull these things together. It was unclear what jobs, precisely, the police referred to.

But that didn’t stop the misinformation mill from working overtime.

Rather than investigate the claim, every Tom, Dick, and Harry in this country decided to form an instant opinion on the matter.

Federal opposition critics cried bloody murder – outraged that foreign workers are coming here to take away promised Canadian jobs. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, the ringleader of this media circus, went so far as to call for a national inquiry into the matter.

All based on a tweet about jobs and the economy written by cops.

For one thing, there is nothing new about Canadian firms leaning on foreign professionals when launching new industrial projects.

Anyone who has spent half-a-second studying the auto industry knows there isn’t a single, mass-scale battery cell production facility operating in Canada. This is the reason Stellantis opted for a joint venture with LG Energy in the first place: to tap into this technical expertise.

This is no different than what happens during a new vehicle product launch. In fact, teams of U.S. workers were temporarily brought over the border to help get the GM Ingersoll plant up and running and building new EV delivery vans. This plant also received substantial government investment. No one batted an eye.

When the news first broke, our union committed to investigate. What we learned is that, yes, there will be a team of hundreds of Korean workers temporarily coming to Canada to install equipment and machinery. Not 1,600, as reported by the police.

And, no, these workers will not be working permanently in the plant. Nor will these jobs count toward the promised 2,500 direct jobs.

In an ironic twist, we’ve learned the program through which NextStar is transferring these Korean nationals into Canada – that has the Conservatives up in arms – exists only because of the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement – an agreement negotiated and signed by the Conservatives themselves back in 2014.

Unifor was among the few groups vocally opposed to the Korea deal at the time, warning it would do further damage to an already ailing Canadian auto industry. It was another symbolic blow to an industry plagued by job losses and plant closures and close to extinction.

Now, either Poilievre and his Conservatives had a political epiphany about manufacturing jobs, or they’ve got terrible memories. Either way they are officially talking out of both sides of their mouths.

It’s embarrassing, quite frankly, the tenor of political debate on this issue.

And it’s doing a disservice to all of us who have been scratching and clawing to rebuild the auto industry into the powerhouse it once was – no thanks to harmful Conservative trade policy or economic ideology.

Yes, there are major problems in Canada with hugely exploitative migrant worker programs. These problems deserve the same degree of political passion and attention that’s on display right now.

Had this situation really been about stealing away Canadian auto jobs, yours truly would have been at the front of this parade.

No one has more at stake in this matter than Canadian autoworkers.

This NextStar battery plant will provide jobs to help transition workers, including Unifor members, displaced in the EV shift. And it is the lynchpin for future EV assembly Unifor members will do in both Windsor and Brampton.

Without comparable government supports for battery plants as provided by the U.S, this plant would have been built south of the border.

It’s as simple as that.

But in today’s politics, why should facts get in the way of good story?