11,000 workers ready to tackle bargaining with ‘Big Three’ grocery giants

TORONTO-More than 11,000 Unifor grocery store members are preparing to take on Canada’s Big Three grocery giants, Loblaw, Metro and Sobeys, in upcoming contract negotiations. The front-line supermarket workers are seeking pay increases, benefit improvements and more full-time jobs as bargaining begins next month.

“Our grocery workers, like all Canadians, know full well the steep price increases on essential food items and the corresponding record profits reported by the biggest supermarket chains,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “CEOs are laughing all the way to the bank while workers and their families continue to struggle. Our bargaining strategy aims to lift all grocery workers up no matter which CEO they’re up against.”

This round of bargaining begins when contract talks for 3,400 Unifor members across 27 Metro stores in the Greater Toronto Area kicks off on June 26. In total, Unifor represents more than 11,000 front-line grocery store workers at the three large chains across Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Quebec.

The negotiations follow major labour disputes at both Loblaw-owned Dominion stores in Newfoundland and Metro’s Toronto-area warehouse.

More than 60 local union presidents, bargaining committeepersons, workplace shop stewards, national union officers and staff met May 26-28 in Toronto to identify common priorities for upcoming rounds of bargaining. Over the next two years, Unifor will renew more than one dozen collective agreements with the three grocery giants.

In prior rounds of bargaining, Unifor has negotiated significant improvements for supermarket workers, including new full-time jobs, part-time worker health benefits and inflation-guarded wages, although the industry is still notorious for unstable schedules, limited work hours and substandard pay and benefits.

“We know these companies can all afford to do more to create good jobs for grocery workers,” said Gord Currie, Local 414 President, and retail sector representative on the Unifor National Executive Board. “This is a profitable industry – in fact, it has never been more profitable. Workers deserve their fair share of that success.”

Union leadership identified six core priorities for the upcoming cycle of negotiations, including significant pay improvements that reflect recent record-profits, greater access to health benefits, the elimination of pay disparities between workers, more full-time jobs and job protections for workers affected by tech change, among others.

Unifor members work under many store banners owned by the Big Three supermarket chains, including at Metro, Dominion, No Frills, Food Basics, Sobeys, Your Independent Grocer, Valu Mart, and Freshco.

Citizen referendum overwhelming opposes Ontario health care privatization


TORONTO-Health care workers, activists, and community organizers rallied at Queen’s Park today to deliver the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) Citizens Referendum results, which revealed an overwhelmingly strong opposition to the privatization of healthcare in Ontario. The referendum saw an impressive turnout of more than 400,000 Ontarians, with an astounding 98.4% of voters expressing their disapproval of privatization.

“The resounding outcome of the referendum sends a clear message that the public is firmly committed to preserving and strengthening the publicly funded healthcare system in Ontario,” said Naureen Rizvi, Ontario Regional Director, “The massive opposition to private healthcare in Ontario, as reflected in the citizen referendum, demands that the Ontario government halt its health care privatization agenda and invest in the publicly funded health care system now.”

The Ontario Health Coalition spearheaded the citizen referendum, providing Ontarians with a platform to voice their opinions on the privatization of services in local public hospitals and their transfer to for-profit institutions. Throughout the month of May, communities across Ontario conducted votes in various locations, including union halls, community centers, local businesses, coffee shops, stores, service clubs, places of worship, and legions. More than 400,000 ballots were cast, including by Unifor members across the province.

Five people standing in front of Queen's Park holding a Unifor flag

“The people of this province have spoken, and the message to Doug Ford couldn’t be any clearer: Ontarians refuse to accept the privatization of vital public services,” said Kari Jefford, President of Unifor Local 229 and Unifor’s Health Care Council, speaking at the Queen’s Park rally. “There is an alternative, a path that doesn’t involve selling off essential services to the highest bidder. Let us seize the moment and invest in our healthcare system. It’s time to rebuild and strengthen our public system, brick by brick.”
The referendum results arrive amidst ongoing debates surrounding healthcare policy in the province, particularly since Premier Doug Ford announced plans on January 16 to transfer thousands of surgeries and diagnostic tests from local public hospitals to for-profit hospitals and clinics. This decision carries significant implications for community hospitals, as it worsens existing staffing shortages and diverts essential resources away from public healthcare institutions, resulting in reduced staff, services, and resources.

The rally held at Queen’s Park echoed the sentiments expressed by the citizens in the referendum, underscoring the collective determination to protect and fortify the public healthcare system in Ontario.

“The results should serve as a reminder to the government of the urgency and importance of respecting and listening to the people they serve,” said Rizvi.

As the Ford government considers its next steps in health care policy, Unifor will continue to advocate for increased investments in public healthcare, reduced wait times, improved access to services, and a steadfast commitment to the principles of universality and equity.

Unifor Auto Council Statement on NextStar Battery Facility

Canada’s auto industry is an important contributor to the success of our national economy.  The transition to zero emission vehicles presents an opportunity to not only sustain our existing industrial footprint but to grow good, union jobs in a net zero economy. Governments and all stakeholders must continue to view the expansion of this domestic industry and its value chain a strategic priority for Canada.

The public dispute between the Government of Canada and the Stellantis/LG Energy Solution joint venture battery facility, NextStar, in Windsor, Ontario is cause for concern. This facility, heralded as Canada’s first “gigafactory”, is a cornerstone for economic activity among material suppliers and assembly facilities. NextStar will serve as a lynchpin for battery supply to Stellantis’ vehicle assembly plants in Brampton and Windsor, supporting the transition of thousands of Unifor members’ jobs in the coming years.

Considering the extraordinary public incentives provided to battery suppliers by the United States Government after the NextStar facility was first announced in May 2022, it is understandable that Canadian government and company officials have undertaken to review the initially agreed-to public financial supports. Ensuring a fair and competitive level of public support to this facility is paramount. The strategic importance of this facility to Canada cannot be overstated.

On behalf of Unifor’s Auto Council, representing more than 20,000 workers at Stellantis, General Motors and Ford Motor Company, we call on all parties to conclude these negotiations, without further delay. A quick resolve will put to rest rising concerns among Unifor members at Stellantis facilities in Canada.

Further, it is our firm expectation that the final agreement will deliver on all of the company’s publicly announced commitments to the battery facility, its research and development work as well as publicly announced future product allocation and investment commitments for Windsor and Brampton assembly plants.

Lana Payne                                                     James Stewart
National President                                         Chair of Unifor Stellantis Council

John D’Agnolo                                                 Jason Gale
Chair of Unifor Ford Council                          Chair of Unifor General Motors Council

Unifor condemns Wescast Industries for abandoning workers in Wingham

WINGHAM, ON—Wescast Industries’ decision to close its foundry operations will devastate workers, families and the community of Wingham, where the facility has operated for more than a century, Unifor says.

“Wescast and its overseas owners are turning their backs on the foundry’s dedicated workforce and the community that has supported them for generations,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “The Wingham foundry closure announcement must serve as a wake-up call to every level of government that Wingham auto parts workers urgently need support.”

The Wescast Industries foundry in Wingham has been in operation since 1902 and primarily manufactures exhaust manifolds for automakers such as Ford, General Motors, and Volvo. Wescast was acquired by Sichuan Bohong Co. Ltd. in 2013.

Last week, Wescast Industries communicated to Unifor its intention to close the Wingham foundry while continuing to source castings directly from sister operations in China. Approximately 250 Unifor Local 4207 members currently work at the foundry. The union maintains that overseas sourcing of the castings violates program commitment guarantees in the collective agreement and is the subject of a prior grievance filed by the union earlier this year.

“Wingham can’t afford to lose hundreds of good jobs and neither can the industry,” said Naureen Rizvi, Unifor Ontario Regional Director. “Maintaining these jobs and the footprint of our auto parts supply chain is crucial to maintaining the skilled workforce and industrial capacity needed for the transition to electric vehicle manufacturing.”

Since Wescast was acquired by Bohong, the union has repeatedly expressed concerns to management regarding the company’s lack of investment in basic maintenance of the historic facility.

“With a complete failure by management to properly invest in this facility, it’s been up to workers to keep this plant running and do more with less,” said Joel Sutton, Unifor Local 4207 plant chair at Wescast. “Wescast has profited from this situation and wants to turn around and reward our hard work and dedication by violating our collective agreement, closing the plant, and moving our work overseas. It’s disgusting.”

While the situation at the Wingham foundry is unfolding, Unifor has warned Ottawa that proposed amendments to the Investment Canada Act aimed at enhancing its scrutiny of foreign investments and strengthening penalties do not go far enough, particularly in light of the ongoing dispute at foreign-owned Windsor Salt. The union also continues to push for comprehensive policy reforms to support the auto and auto parts sectors, particularly at-risk manufacturing plants with investment strategies and workers with transitional supports.

The collective agreement between the union and Wescast is set to expire this year and the parties are in the process of entering negotiations.