Bell Craft Bargaining

Red Unifor logo, with blue text beneath that reads Bell, it's time!


In this round of negotiations, 3520 Unifor members are united by their 24 local unions in Ontario and 8 in Quebec.Bell Craft workers are working together to improve job security and respect at work. Bargaining updates are available from Locals, and will be posted here following internal distribution.

Campaign Update

Information Bulletin #8

2/12/2021 -Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations continued this week with the Company and as previously communicated, we will continue to bargain until we reach an impasse.

This week we clearly stated to the Employer, that if the Company does not move their position significantly in regards to our priorities, we will be obliged to file a notice of dispute which will initiate a conciliation procedure provided for by the Canadian Labour Code.

Stay tuned for upcoming communications and let’s show solidarity.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee