Bulletin on Proof of Vaccination



To: All National Representatives associated by BCE and its subsidiaries


Dear colleagues,


The question of vaccination at Bell Canada and its various subsidiaries has been brought up via multiple channels in the past days.


Naturally, Unifor is favourable to the announcement of Bell to allow our workers to obtain time during work hours to receive a vaccination for Covid-19.


One common issue that has been raised relates to the demonstration of proof of vaccination. The matter has been reviewed with our legal counsel and we recommend sharing the following comments with our various local leaders:


  • When dealing with medical information, all the employer may request is what is reasonably


  • This information is only being sought from those claiming the benefit of obtaining time to get vaccinated during work hours (which is a reasonable limitation), we recommend redacting anything beyond the name, date and proof of vaccination (for the purpose of securing the benefit)”.


  • Additionally, we are further commenting that the employer does not need to know about any information such as the kind of vaccine, dosage, date of expiry of the vaccine, health card number or any other information contained on the respective proof of vaccination provided by the various health authorities across our


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In solidarity;


Roch Leblanc

Telecommunication Director Directeur des Téléc