Donation to Daily Bread Food Bank – Fighting Hunger


Daily Bread Food Bank is a registered charity that is fighting hunger in our communities. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. Daily Bread provides food and support and is the largest provider of food relief in the GTA.

We had the pleasure of meeting these great people and organization to present a donation totaling $5000 on behalf of Unifor Social Justice Fund and the Ontario Regional Council. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. It was a pleasure to meet the many volunteers that are dedicated and serve their communities on a daily basis to help eliminate poverty. Click the links below to find out where you can volunteer.

Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer?…Click the link



In Solidarity,

Lee, Brian, Chris

Unifor/BTS Clerical Ontario Ratification Results


December 10 2018

Sisters and Brothers,

Your Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce the Unifor Clerical members in Ontario at Bell Technical Solutions have voted 88.4% in favour of ratifying the tentative agreement


Here are just some of the highlights:

  • Classification increase of PT – FT ratios
  • RPT Increased min hours
  • Wage increases
  • Family Day
  • Additional Medical Benefits
  • Integration of wage schedules
  • Ratification upgrades
  • Woman’s Advocate
  • Emergency Days
  • Paid Domestic Violence Leave
  • Volunteer Separation Package
  • P.E.L. (Paid Education Leave)
  • OT Averaging Agreement


The terms of the new collective agreement will take effect on January 7, 2019.

We would like to thank everyone for your participation.


In solidarity,


Ontario Clerical Bargaining Committee

Robin Whaley, 1996-O

Ron Hori, 1996-O

Lee Zommers, 1996-O

Sam Snyders, National Representative

BTS Clerical Bargaining – Ratification reminder

Sisters and Brothers,
Ratification meetings will be held on Monday December 10 2018, The first meeting will occur between 9:30am – 11:00am and the second meeting from 11:30am – 1:30pm at the Argentia office, all members will have the time to attend and review the agreement.
In Solidarity,
1996-O Clerical Bargaining Committee