Fill out the survey! Does performance management help you perform you job better?

WE NEED EVERYONE TO FILL IT OUT!  This is your opportunity to have your say. Let’s get on this together and get it done TODAY!!



Fill out the union’s confidential survey to share your experiences: Visit to get started.

Please fill out the survey today, on a personal phone or computer- not your company computer- and not during work hours.

Let your union, Unifor, know how performance management in the workplace has affected you. We hope to better understand the effects of these tools on members working for major telecommunications companies.

Your survey responses are confidential. All identifying information will be removed from the union’s report, and will never be shared with the employer. This information is collected in order to prevent duplicates and ensure quality data. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete

The survey will be open for a period of three weeks, closing on Monday, November 12.

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Hands Off Health Care!

We joined forces with the Ontario Health Coalition and supporters to fight back against cuts and privatization to health care. With thousands attending this rally, Ontarians’ strong support to #KeepHealthCarePublic was evident. Activists called for residents’ needs to come first in our long-term care system, and made it clear that privatization is not welcome. #OHCRally4Care

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Unifor wants to hear from you! Does performance management help you perform you job better?


Fill out the union’s confidential survey to share your experiences: Visit to get started.

Please fill out the survey today, on a personal phone or computer- not your company computer- and not during work hours.

Let your union, Unifor, know how performance management in the workplace has affected you. We hope to better understand the effects of these tools on members working for major telecommunications companies.

Your survey responses are confidential. All identifying information will be removed from the union’s report, and will never be shared with the employer. This information is collected in order to prevent duplicates and ensure quality data. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete

The survey will be open for a period of three weeks, closing on Monday, November 12.

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