Unifor 1996-O Scholarships – Deadline Approaching, Submission due May 31 2018


The deadline is fast approaching to get your application submitted.

We in Local 1996-O are concerned about the lives of our members’ families and their education.  Due to high tuition fees we recognize that post-secondary education is out of reach for many working-class. To assist, we’ve established 2 scholarships worth $1,000.00 each. One in memory of the late Brother, Milos Petrasinovic and Brother, Alwa Marcelle.

The scholarships are awarded to sons/daughters of Unifor 1996-O members in good standing.  Students must be entering their first year of full-time post-secondary education (university, community college, technological institute, trade school, etc.) in a public Canadian institution. 

These are entrance Scholarships only and are not renewable for students entering subsequent years of study.

Deadline for submitting an application is May 31 2018

The selection of candidates will be chosen no later than June 29, 2018 and will be final.

Click here to download the 2018 application.

The Voluntary Separation Package is extended until May 31


To:  All Employees Covered by the 2018-2022 Collective Agreement


C.c.: All Field Operations and Field Logistics Operations Managers


From: The Human Resources Team
Subject: The Voluntary Separation Package is extended until May 31

The retirement Webinar from Industrial Alliance was deployed yesterday. In order to give you enough time to consult and make an informed decision, we have extended the period of application for the Voluntary Separation Package to May 31 2018, at 5 PM.

We remind you that the Webinar is available in Career Zone (ID BTS01104) and that you can request FAT time to complete it.

Should you have any questions, please refer to the Voluntary Separation Package Q&A. You may also contact your manager or the Human Resources Team.

Thank you,

The Human Resources Team

Benefits for BTS Ontario Employees



Are you part of the large percentage of BTS employees that received an upgrade from RPT to RFT  from Ratification? Or have you had a life altering situation and need to change your information…Please enroll if you have not done so as this is mandatory

Ensure you have reviewed the links below in regards to your benefit entitlements or changes


F54-931A-1 E-services page par page

ESP Program Discription

Employee savings plan- Enrolment-Change

EDP_Affiliates_with Pride Rebate_EN_Sept_2013_Final

Class 6 – Permanent , Unionized Workers

Class 6 – Permanent , Unionized Workers (RRSP Enrollment Instructions)


BTS Locals in Ontario – Regarding Consecutive Days of Rest Letter



To: All BTS Locals in Ontario
May 28, 2018
Brothers and Sisters,
As we enter into our 4th week under the new Collective Agreement, we as a committee felt it important that we bring you up to speed on where things are between the Union and your employer, BTS.
There have been many rumours going around regarding the signing of the Collective Agreement, and as to the reason it is not yet been done. To this point we can say, we have completed a review of the new agreement, identified errors and changes that were made by the Company have now been corrected. We are reviewing the revised copy as final proofing to be signed in the coming weeks. Once signed electronic copies will be made available, while we wait for printed copies.
Having said that, the Union and the Company are currently in dispute on one issue regarding the new Collective Agreement and its implementation. The issue is non-consecutive days of rest for fulltime employees, better known as “island days”. The Union negotiated in our view that days of rests for fulltime employees must be consecutive to another. The employer has communicated to the Union that it was not their intent to always give consecutive days off to fulltime employees. They said they have realized it is too difficult for them to do and they never would have agreed to it, followed by a host of what we determined to be threats regarding the scheduling of the membership. The Committee has escalated this dispute to the National Union and a National Policy Grievance has been filed.
The Company says they are trying to change the relationship with their employees, but continue to demonstrate the same lack of desire to change the way they run the business that we have experienced under the previous Collective Agreement. They appear to continue to look for work arounds to language and cast the blame on clerical bargaining unit members for “errors” that get made related to the never-ending schedule issues………………………..

Click here to read the full letter