Chief Steward Election Results for 416W and 905C


Local 1996-O Chief Steward Elections, 416 W, 905 C


Nominees For:                                                            Spoiled Total:

Chief Steward 416W:
Nelson DaSilva                    114                                                     2
Colum P. Lynn                     33


Chief Steward 905C:
Martin Levay                        50                                                      3
Nabil Nassar                         32
Steve Howe                           15


Congratulations to all candidates as well as those members that exercised their democratic right to vote.


In Solidarity,

Local 1996-O Election Committee

Chief Steward Election Dates and Times for Royal Windsor and Horner/Arrow

Exercise your DEMOCRATIC RIGHT, come out to vote for your 1996-O Chief Steward for the following locations…


Local 1996-O,  Chief Steward Elections to be held for the following common localities:

Tuesday May 22, 2018 for the following common locality, 416 West (Arrow and Horner) and  Wednesday May 23 2018 for the following common locality, 905 Central (Royal Windsor)

Please ensure you exercise your right to vote for your Chief Steward.

Members may vote at your assigned work centre only on your own time prior to start of shift or on lunch break.


Time and Dates:

Arrow & Horner – Tuesday May 22, 2018, from 7:30am – 1:30pm

Royal Windsor – Wednesday May 23 , 2018, from 7:30am – 1:30pm


Unifor National Family Day at Canada’s Wonderland


Greetings Brothers and Sisters,


Please find attached a poster for Unifor Family Day at Canada’s Wonderland on Sunday July 8th, 2018.

Exclusive Unifor National Hour on select rides! Behemoth Area, Lumberjack
Area & Kidzville

Full day at the park (9am – 10pm)

Reduced ticket price includes  ALL YOU CAN EAT Lunch Buffet!

You must click on the link provided here, or on the attached flyer to receive the exclusive Unifor rate.

$41.22 + HST Regular (adult)       $37.22 + HST Junior/Senior
*Please note when you sign- in and book online the 11:30am time reflects when lunch begins*

Username: cw-unifornational     Password: familyday18

UNIFOR NATIONAL – Canada’s Wonderland 2018

Unifor calls to End the Ban – Speak out Stop Hate

Stop Hate

May 17, 2018

Unifor calls to End the Ban

The International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 17, is an annual reminder that although progress has been made, there is further to go. Unifor joins the international call for action to address the inequality that too many, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in our workplaces and communities face.

Unifor encourages all people to recognize and embrace May 17 as a day to support the ongoing struggles for inclusion, acceptance and respect of all LGBTQ people, including supporting the call to end the discriminatory blood donation policy here in Canada and Quebec.

LGBTQ people all across the country and around the world are faced with legal, social, and institutional barriers. It is these barriers that isolate and divide us. And it is time to tear down the barriers that we know to be discriminatory.

Trans women and men who have sex with men are barred from donating blood in Canada. This persists despite Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election promise to, “bring an end to the discriminatory ban that prevents men who have had sex with men from donating blood.” (Source: Ending MSM Blood Donation Ban,

Historically, Canadian Blood Services (CBS) and Héma-Québec (HM-QC) imposed a lifetime ban on blood donations from men who had sex with other men at any point in their life time, and this ban dates back to the HIV/AIDS epidemic of 1977.

Today, the ban continues to exist despite science, research and an understanding of HIV/AIDS. It is a form of upfront discrimination.

Some changes have been made. The change has come from the thousands of voices that spoke up and took action. Today, instead of a lifetime ban, there is a one-year deferral, regardless of actual level of risk or health status. Unifor acknowledges that a one-year deferral is still a ban in principle, requiring celibacy for a year in order to make a life-saving donation.

This policy discriminates because it bans gay and trans people from donating based on their identity, not based on the nature of their sexual relationships, such as protected sex or monogamy. This policy is not based on science, and perpetuates homophobic and transphobic assumptions about HIV and AIDS.