Progressing Re/integration of Persons with Disabilities
On Thursday, September 10th I volunteered to attend an event Recognizing Professional Excellence in the Re/integration of Persons with Disabilities. There were many inspiring keynote speakers and activists dedicated to fighting for the rights of workers with disabilities.
It is important that we take action for workers like Wolfgang Zimmermann, someone who at only 20 years old was instructed to cut down trees using a chainsaw on his first day on the job with absolutely no training. A tree fell on him and broke his back, leaving him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Unfortunately he was not offered accommodation or retraining for a different position. Instead he was left fighting a system that provided no support for workers with disabilities. Wolfgang is one of the founders of Pacific Coast University, and his passion for increasing awareness about the return to work and disability management programs offered at this institute is truly awe-inspiring.
The evening promoted return to work efforts for individuals who have acquired a disabling impairment, promoted the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and recognized individuals who have achieved an internationally recognized professional competency standard in Return to Work and Disability Management.
Of specific interest was Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Science and the specialized training programs they offer for Return to Work and Disability Management. As a partner with the United Nations accredited International Social Security Association (ISSA), Pacific Coast offers a superior educational experience and innovative curriculum designed with guidance from the internationally renowned National Institute for Disability Management and Research.
Research shows the most successful return to work programs employ practitioners with specialized education. With increasing economic and social realities facing employers and workers continuing to “shine the light” on workplace health issues, the global demand by organizations for professional support is growing. I believe that Unifor and our current campaign (Shine the Light- See the ability not the disABILITY) can have a significantly positive impact on promoting such education and training through numerous potential avenues.
Having return to work specialists available to properly reintegrate technicians that have been affected by an illness, injury or other disability is critical. 1 in 3 people will suffer some degree of a disability over the span of their working lives. Having a professional looking out for their rights and fighting for fair accommodation with adequate training will ensure that the BTS workforce is productive and all individuals are contributing to the everyday successes of the business. I plan to approach BTS to discuss the possibility of their participation in training or hiring a trained professional to implement return to work programs and adequate disability management.
Sam Snyders
President, Local 1996-O
416 Health and Safety Co-Chair
Unifor Chairperson Workers with Disabilities
LRC Committee and JSDC Committee
Ont. Bargaining Rep
Telecommunications Industry Council Representative
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To The Iron Men of our union – Thank you!
Dear Lee & Sam,
Unifor Bites Back!
When an employee was wrongfully dismissed, it took the combined pressure of NDP MP Andrew Cash, Unifor Local 1996-O President Sam Snyders and some tough questions from a Toronto Star reporter to correct the injustice.
As an applicant to the Canadian Immigration & Citizenship Visa Extension Process, the Bell Technical Solutions worker had provided all required documentation and was awaiting review. While this process can take over a 100 days, a worker can continue to legally work with what is known as an implied status of eligibility, during that time.
Yet the company, BTS, terminated the worker alleging that he didn’t meet requirements to legally work in Canada, which was patently false. Although the union provided numerous routes to confirm the worker’s legal status with the Citizen and Immigration Canada, the company stated it was “not their job” to call and confirm but instead required written documentation – documentation that the CIC does not currently provide to mail-in applicants.
“When a worker follows the rules at every step of the way it is wrong and completely unfair that a government department would be unwilling to send a simple email confirming the facts,” – NDP Member of Parliament, Andrew Cash.
The Toronto Star began looking into the case after speaking with the worker, Unifor and Andrew Cash. BTS then changed their tune and promised to re-instate the worker with full back pay for the time he was unfairly dismissed.
The disappointing fact remains…it required action from Unifor, the media and a Member of Parliament to convince a national employer like Bell Canada to reverse their decision to unfairly dismiss a worker.
“For this worker justice prevailed, I worry for others who don’t have the strength of a union to help them,” – Unifor Local 1996-O President, Sam Snyders.
“3 signs BTS workers have a lot of work coming down the pipe”
The CRTC says “Big Telco’s” Must Open Fiber-optic Networks to Upstarts
The CRTC released a decision last Wednesday that forces large Canadian telco’s to open access to their fibre-optic networks to competitors. Keep in mind that big telco’s are already required to do this with their copper-based networks. By following the same guidelines with fibre-optic networks, the CRTC believes it will level the playing field and foster competition.
Competitors will also no longer be forced to use an “aggregated” model of service. In other words, they will be able to tap into a single point of access of which there may be only one per province. As a result, smaller Internet service providers (ISPs) will actually pay more to have data shuffled back and forth based on distance.
A stipulation to the ruling is that competitors must agree to a “disaggregated” model of service, wherein they are required to plug-in much closer to the final consumer at a regional point of access. The smaller companies would then have to arrange transport of data from that regional interface to their own offices, either by installing their own fibre-optic cable, or by leasing it from an existing company. This is designed to discourage smaller competitors from acting as mere resellers of existing bandwidth. Instead, they in theory would add to the available bandwidth. But it also should reduce the cost that competitors have to pay.
For the BTS worker
The evidence demonstrates that we are moving to a wireline world in which there is one pipe to the consumer. We are rapidly evolving to a world where everything is delivered to the consumer over one pipe or one wireless connection – broadcasting and telecom services co-inhabiting networks, both wired and wireless. The demand for this network or infrastructure will be a driving force demanding skilled workers now and in the future.
Internet bandwidth is evolving; from being dominated by primarily alphanumeric text-based services to one increasingly dominated by audio and visual programming. Canadian consumers spend more time online than any other nation. We are the most intensive consumers of online video in the world.
Globally, consumer Internet video traffic will be 80% of all consumer Internet traffic in 2019, up from 64% in 2014. The sum of all forms of video (TV, video on demand [VOD], Internet, and peer-to-peer [P2P]) will be in the range of 80-90% of global consumer traffic by 2019; and Internet video to TV will continue to grow at a rapid pace, increasing fourfold by 2019. Internet video to TV traffic will be 17% of consumer Internet video traffic by 2019.
It’s not surprising, then, that BCE Inc. recently highlighted plans to direct $1.4 billion towards fibre-optic builds in the city of Toronto; a first step in a $20 billion plan to upgrade its broadband fibre and wireless networks across Canada by the end of 2020.
This is a race to the consumer that will provide BTS technicians with a great deal of work both now and in the future! It will be BTS that Bell relies on to service and provide customers with what they need and want. It is all of YOU who will make this happen!!!!
In Solidarity,
Sam Snyders
President, Local 1996-O