Unifor open letter to BCE shareholders

Shareholders Bell

To Unifor Bell Locals:

This week BCE Board Chair Gordon Nixon and BCE CEO Mirko Bibic will try to justify the elimination of 6,100 jobs and other decisions of the BCE Board at the annual general shareholder meeting on May 2.

Unifor is encouraging shareholders to take this opportunity to review BCE’s overall leadership, its current corporate strategy, and the latest round of terminations.

In an open letter to shareholders, Unifor has expressed concerns about the direction of the company and the lack of respect for its workers. The union warns that BCE has undertaken a re-structuring plan that threatens the well-being of the company and encourages shareholders to question the company’s executive leadership team’s decisions and hold them to account for the callous treatment of our members.

Read Unifor’s Unifor Open Letter to BCE Inc. Shareholders

Visit the ‘Meet the Board’ webpage here and use the sharables to spread the word on social media.

Continue to visit the Shame on Bell campaign website for the latest news.

In solidarity,


Lana Payne
National President

Len Poirier
National Secretary-Treasurer

Daniel Cloutier
Quebec Director

No more stolen sisters

a red dress hanging in a dead tree


May 5 is Red Dress Day, a day of awareness for the missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirited individuals (MMIWG2S), and a time to express our deep solidarity with their families. The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has laid out 231 recommendations for ending the violence. The Inquiry’s report calls out the ongoing cycle of violence and systemic discrimination that has resulted from Canada’s colonial past. By ignoring or underfunding support for Indigenous communities, colonial violence has been perpetuated by governments in every region.

The Inquiry’s calls for justice are a guide for all Canadians, organizations, and governments to put an end to the violence. Allies must keep up pressure on elected officials to get to work to implement all 231 recommendations.

As a social union, Unifor recognizes that the fight for social justice for everyone goes beyond the bargaining table, and extends to community action. For the second year in a row, we will partner with the Tears to Hope Society to participate in their annual relay run to raise awareness about the women and girls who have gone missing along Northern B.C.’s “Highway of Tears”. This year, Unifor members can participate in a nationwide relay on Saturday, October 5.

More details, including a checklist for Unifor event organizers, shirt orders, and pledge details will follow this summer.

In the meantime, Unifor local unions are strongly encouraged to find May 5 events in your area and participate. A growing list of events can be found on Unifor’s website. Also on the website are graphics to share in your social media channels to amplify the message that violence against Indigenous woman, girls, and two spirited people must stop!

On May 5 and every day: no more stolen sisters.

BCE announces election of Directors

Source: https://www.bce.ca/news-and-media/newsroom

Read the full article click the above link…


MONTRÉAL, May 2, 2024 /CNW/ – BCE Inc. (TSX: BCE) (NYSE: BCE) today announced that shareholders voted in favour of all items of business put forth by BCE at the company’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders today, including the election of the Directors by a majority of the votes cast by shareholders present or represented by proxy:


Votes For

% For

Votes Against

% Against 

Mirko Bibic


98.73 %


1.27 %

Robert P. Dexter


98.58 %


1.42 %

Katherine Lee


98.55 %


1.45 %

Monique F. Leroux


98.19 %


1.81 %

Sheila A. Murray


97.74 %


2.26 %

Gordon M. Nixon


98.57 %


1.43 %

Louis P. Pagnutti


98.37 %


1.63 %

Calin Rovinescu


98.82 %


1.18 %

Karen Sheriff


98.50 %


1.50 %

Jennifer Tory


98.88 %


1.12 %

Louis Vachon


98.93 %


1.07 %

Johan Wibergh


98.96 %


1.04 %

Cornell Wright


98.25 %


1.75 %

Please visit BCE.ca (opens in new window)  for complete Director biographies. Information regarding all matters subject to a vote during BCE’s Annual Meeting is available on sedarplus.ca (opens in new window) .

Dividend hike, CEO pay questioned at BCE annual meeting following job cuts

Source: https://www.ctvnews.ca/business

Read the full article click the above link….

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Frustration over BCE Inc.’s 4,800 job cuts earlier this year spilled over at the company’s annual general meeting on Thursday, as investors and employees questioned executives on their compensation during a period of belt-tightening for staff.

But board chair Gordon Nixon and Bell Canada president and CEO Mirko Bibic defended the decision, with the former referring to last year as a “challenging but also very transformational year” for the Montreal-based telecom and media giant.

Bell announced the job cuts in February amid a restructuring plan that saw it sell 45 of its 103 radio stations and close 107 The Source stores. The move drew widespread backlash, including from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who specifically called the 440 eliminated media positions at the company a “garbage decision.”

Unifor celebrates National Nursing Week 2024: Changing Lives; Shaping Tomorrow

May 2, 2024


During National Nursing Week, May 6-12, 2024, Unifor proudly honours the dedication and unwavering commitment of Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) across Canada. Unifor represents 4,000 Registered or Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses who work in hospitals, private and municipal long-term care homes.

This year’s theme, “Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow.” reflects the pivotal role these professionals play in transforming health care and crafting the future of patient care.

From the early 1900s, when nursing began to take shape as a regulated profession, to the complex health care ecosystem of today, the journey of nurses, particularly RPNs and LPNs, has been one of growth and increased responsibility.

Initially established during times of need, such as the world wars, the roles of RPNs/LPNs have evolved significantly. By the mid-20th century, regulatory bodies across Canada began to formally recognize and increase the scope of practice for practical nurses, acknowledging their critical role in the expanding health care system.

Today, RPNs/LPNs are foundational to the health care system, and are often assigned responsibilities in a scope of practice nearly indistinguishable from RNs.

Governed under the same professional standards, RPNs and LPNs carry out many of the same tasks as RNs, and possess autonomy in their practice, often in complex clinical settings. Their education, continuous professional development, and regulatory standards equip them to provide exceptional care and meet the diverse needs of patients.

Despite their extensive skills and crucial roles, RPNs and LPNs often face challenges related to under-recognition and under-utilization. Systemic issues such as a lack of funding and increasing workloads further compound these challenges, underscoring the need for a concerted effort to address these disparities.

It is vital that we as a community recognize the immense value RPNs and LPNs bring to patient care and health outcomes. Unifor has long called upon health care institutions, policymakers, and the public to acknowledge and leverage the full potential of practical nurses.

As we celebrate this week, let us also commit to enhancing the professional environment for RPNs and LPNs, ensuring they can continue to excel and lead in their roles.

To all RPNs and LPNs: we see your hard work, your dedication, and your passion. Thank you for changing lives today and shaping the health care of tomorrow.

Download the Nursing Week social media shareable here.