Sharing is Caring

We all need food to live. Unfortunately, with the cost of food increasing it is getting hard for many to buy all that they need.

Our trip to St. Francis Table serving meals last month was as rewarding as it is every year. It would be nice to be able to volunteer more often. It would also be nice drop off at the nearby food bank.

( Unfortunately, our realities don’t make it possible for each of us as individuals enjoy the benefits of giving.

The good news is that being a member of this Union does.

Local 1996-O has donated food and $5,000 to the Daily Bread Food Bank. We also enjoyed the privilege of bringing a $3,000 cheque to FoodShare on your behalf. It will go to programs that feed belly’s and minds of children in schools across the GTA.

Sam dropping off food and a cheque at the Daily Bread Food Bank

Sam dropping off food and a cheque at the Daily Bread Food Bank


This money comes from Unifor’s Social Justice Fund. Unifor National is donating $135,000 to 46 different food banks across Canada.

“Cash donations help food banks fill in the blanks to their all important food donations, to make sure the families using the food banks can have a balanced diet.” Mohamad Alsadi, Director of Unifor Nationals Human Rights and International Department.

There are many reasons people need the support of FoodBanks. The cost of living is a big one. With the Loonie at a thirteen year low, food prices are only going to continue to climb over the next year.

Together we can make a real difference in the lives of people in need. And together we can make a difference in the lives of our fellow workers.

When it comes right down to it, there’s not a lot we can’t do when we work as a team.


Orlando Martín López Gómez of FoodShare receiving a cheque at the Crotia Street headquarters
Orlando Martín López Gómez of FoodShare receiving a cheque at the Crotia Street headquarters