Unifor open letter to BCE shareholders

Shareholders Bell

To Unifor Bell Locals:

This week BCE Board Chair Gordon Nixon and BCE CEO Mirko Bibic will try to justify the elimination of 6,100 jobs and other decisions of the BCE Board at the annual general shareholder meeting on May 2.

Unifor is encouraging shareholders to take this opportunity to review BCE’s overall leadership, its current corporate strategy, and the latest round of terminations.

In an open letter to shareholders, Unifor has expressed concerns about the direction of the company and the lack of respect for its workers. The union warns that BCE has undertaken a re-structuring plan that threatens the well-being of the company and encourages shareholders to question the company’s executive leadership team’s decisions and hold them to account for the callous treatment of our members.

Read Unifor’s Unifor Open Letter to BCE Inc. Shareholders

Visit the ‘Meet the Board’ webpage here and use the sharables to spread the word on social media.

Continue to visit the Shame on Bell campaign website for the latest news.

In solidarity,


Lana Payne
National President

Len Poirier
National Secretary-Treasurer

Daniel Cloutier
Quebec Director