School bus system crisis continues due to government inaction

September 17, 2020

TORONTO – Unifor, Ontario’s largest school bus driver union, maintains that the crisis in the school bus system continues due to inaction by the provincial government.

“I hear Education Minister Stephen Lecce saying that his government is doing everything possible to address the driver shortage and concerns about safety aboard school buses but that simply isn’t the case,” said Debbie Montgomery, President of Unifor Local 4268. “While it’s true the province has designated some funds towards health and safety and driver retention the fundamental issue remains the lack of provincial standards to go with those dollars.”

As students return to schools across the province there are widespread school bus route cancellations happening in several jurisdictions.

As far back as July, Unifor warned that urgent action was needed to ensure that school buses would be able to return to their routes when classes resumed. On August 13, the union sent Premier Ford, Minister Lecce and Minister Mulroney a statement on behalf of drivers calling on the government to address five key concerns, including guaranteed access to PPE, limits on the number of passengers to allow for social distancing, and proper sanitation of busses.

Drivers reiterated that call during a media conference on August 25, where they shared their first hand knowledge of the variety of measures planned at different school bus carriers and school boards.

“We have been clear on driver’s concerns and they have yet to be addressed,” said Montgomery. “We have drivers receiving manifests with upwards of 70 kids on-board, no social distancing and instances where drivers are receiving inadequate PPE supplies, some of which are substandard quality. This is the result of throwing money at student transportation without a plan to enforce consistent standards.”

The majority of Ontario school bus drivers are above 60 years old, considered a higher risk group for COVID-19.

“Knowing the demographic of drivers, the government should be doing everything in its power in terms of COVID-19 safety protocols to maximize the number who feel safe to return and prevent the loss of additional drivers, which I guarantee will happen if they fail again to move on this,” said Montgomery.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector and represents 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

Unifor Hope in High Heels team support domestic violence victims

A Unifor team, led by Unifor National President Jerry Dias and his son Jordan, will participate this Saturday in the annual Halton Women’s Place ‘Hope in High Heels’ walk in support of victims of domestic violence.

“Due to the reality of COVID-19 the charity walk has been modified this year but team Unifor is determined to proceed,” said National President Jerry Dias. “Sadly the pandemic has also led to women and children being confined in their homes with their abusers with access to outside supports cut off. The need to provide a safe place and services for them is greater than ever.”

Halton’s Women Place provides shelter and crisis services for physically, emotionally, financially and sexually abused women and their dependent children. The organization provides services to the Halton Region community in Burlington, Milton, Halton Hills and Oakville. It operates two emergency short-term shelters in Milton and Burlington and responds to more than 2,500 crisis calls each year.

“Jerry and Jordan, along with the Unifor team, have been true champions for ‘Hope in High Heels’. They are incredible ambassadors for Halton Women’s Place and truly want to be a part of the solution in ending violence against women. We are so grateful to be able to count on their support every year – especially this year when COVID-19 has put women experiencing domestic violence in more dangerous situations as they are isolated at home,” said Laurie Hepburn, Executive Director for Halton Women’s Place.

“We know that with this added awareness and advocacy we can reach more women who need our services and show them that groups like Unifor and men and boys, like Jerry and Jordan, support them.

Team Unifor will hold its fundraising walk Saturday September 19, 2020 at 11 a.m. at Nathan Phillips Square at Toronto City Hall. Last year team Unifor raised a record-breaking 126,000 in the Hope in High Heels walk and to date have raised more than $460,000 in total.

“I know times are tough this year for a lot of people but we’re asking those who can to help, every dollar makes a difference in the lives of families trying to escape abuse,” said Dias.

To make a tax deductible donation click here.

Unifor selects Ford Motor Company to set pattern in auto talks

September 8, 2020

TORONTO—Unifor National President Jerry Dias has chosen Ford Motor Company as the union’s strike target to set the pattern agreement with the Detroit Three automakers.

“I selected Ford because we think the company is prepared to reward our members, make a commitment to continue manufacturing in Canada, and has a vision that we think is in the best interest of the industry and the economy,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President, speaking at a news conference streamed live on Unifor’s Facebook page. “Worldwide we have seen more than $300 billion dollars announced for electric vehicle production and not one dime is destined for Canada. Our members want that to change.”

For decades, it has been the union’s practice to strategically choose which of the three Detroit Three companies the union will negotiate with first—setting a pattern agreement for auto workers in Canada. There are multiple factors considered by the union, in consultation with the master bargaining committees, in making this decision, based on two key goals: building Canada’s auto industry and achieving the union’s bargaining objectives.

Once an agreement with the target company is ratified by members, bargaining shifts to a second company, and then the third.

“The Oakville assembly plant is the last of Ford’s assembly plants left in Canada and has no firm product commitment beyond the current generation of the Ford Edge. This is a significant problem for our members and it should be a concern for all levels of government,” said Dias.

“Our members are pleased to go first and want to forge their own destiny, which is why we have worked hard to build a productive relationship with this employer,” said John D’Agnolo, Chair of the Ford Master Bargaining Committee and President of Unifor Local 200.

Unifor represents 6,300 workers at Ford Motor Company, 9,000 workers at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and 4,100 at General Motors.

Unifor opened formal contract talks in Toronto on August 12th, with the theme The Future is Made in Canada. The union has repeatedly urged the federal government to create  a comprehensive manufacturing strategy for the auto sector, given that every auto assembly job creates or supports as many as 10 additional jobs throughout the economy.

A digital media kit be found on this website and a downloadable 4K version of today’s news conference is available to media upon request.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

World Suicide Prevention Day – September 10 2020

Working together to prevent Suicide

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) is dedicated to preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour, alleviating its effects, and providing a forum for academics, mental health professionals, crisis workers, volunteers and suicide survivors.

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)



Unifor takes action on Labour Day in support of striking Dominion store workers