Bell – Real Talk – Share your story about Careless Contractors

Careless Contractors

You called Bell Canada for service, but the company sent a non-union contractor instead! We’ve heard that these poorly-trained, low-wage workers are fumbling jobs and messing up connections all over the country.

And it doesn’t stop at the border. Unifor members’ jobs in customer support are being shipped around the globe, with calls to Bell Canada being answered in the Philippines, Morocco and India where employees are subject to dangerous working conditions and low pay.

Help us map it out, share your story today.

Click the link below to share your story


2 Montrealers charged in connection with Bell Canada cyber attack

The RCMP say charges have been laid against two Quebecers for their alleged involvement in a cyber attack of Bell Canada customer accounts.

Nana Koranteng and Jesiah Russell-Francis of Montreal are to appear on charges including unauthorized use of a computer, fraud over $5000, conspiracy to commit fraud, laundering proceeds of crime, identity theft, and identity fraud.

READ MORE: Bell Canada alerts customers impacted by new data breach

The Mounties began the investigation, dubbed Project Abalone, in 2018 after it was notified that some Bell accounts were breached and personal information was stolen.

The RCMP say the suspects were identified after a number of stolen accounts were used to fraudulently purchase goods online.

100,000 Bell customers affected by hack

View article here

1996-O Equity Committee

Local 1996-O is committed to reducing inequities within our workforce due to Disabilities both Mental and Physical, Racial or Ethnic differences, Indigenous Status, Gender differences, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Age or New Hire Status.

Equity Committee

In Solidarity,

Lee, Sanjay, Brian, Chris

Open letter from Jerry Dias to COPE National President David Black

Nationa Pres

Brother Black,

I am writing to you in regards to COPE Ontario staff represented by IAM District 78 and Local 1922 who have been on strike since Wednesday October 2. I find it deeply troubling that no progress has been made so far with COPE regional or national representatives to get back to the bargaining table.

When COPE negotiated with Unifor in the most recent round of bargaining, Unifor moved swiftly to ensure that all issues surrounding a defined benefits pension plan and many similar language and financial measures at issue in the current dispute, were enshrined in the collective agreement without question. It is also noteworthy that negotiations between COPE and Unifor came at a time when COPE leadership were comfortably engaged in a public campaign to smear Unifor.

Fighting for defined benefits plans for our members across Ontario and every region in Canada is a real and persistent challenge that is almost always an uphill battle. Within our houses of labour, we have to set clear and consistent examples for employers bent on undermining fair compensation for our members. This labour dispute undermines our broader fight and leaves the labour movement further away from this vital objective. Aside from the defined benefits plan, Unifor’s wage, benefits and retirement benefits by far exceeds what COPE is paying its own workers.

If COPE’s agreement with Unifor for wages and a defined benefits pension plan is good enough for its members at Unifor then it should be good enough for its staff members in Ontario.

I urge COPE regional and national leadership to get back to the bargaining table immediately and end this senseless and completely unnecessary labour action.

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias
National President