Unifor stands united in grief and horror with Muslim communities around the globe


March 15, 2019

Unifor condemns the deaths of more than 49 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand and we stand united in grief with Muslim communities.

The shockwaves of this massacre are being felt around the world and in Canadian cities and towns. Unifor is committed to doing everything in our power to fight racism and Islamophobia.

The actions of terrorists represent the worst in our societies. In Canada, we witnessed Islamophobic violence when six Muslim worshippers were murdered at a prayer service on January 29, 2017. Azzedine Soufiane, Khaled Belkacemi,  Aboubaker Thabti, Abdelkrim Hassane, Mamadou Tanou Barry and Ibrahima Barry were killed in that targeted shooting in a Quebec City mosque.

White supremacy has been allowed to manifest thanks to right wing politicians who capitalize on divisiveness and hatred.

A social media account alleged to belong to one of the New Zealand attackers featured a link to an 87-page manifesto filled with anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim propaganda.

We must recommit to unite and fight the language and tactics of these racist instigators.

Today we mourn.

Tomorrow and everyday, we continue to fight and refute any politicians or public figures that seek to divide us.

Awards Local 6004 and 6007

Read the full award here

File No. 031-18 Bel Canadal v















Bell Canada v. Unifor, Local 6007 – Admin Letters, Attendance Policy – Award Read more



1. As originally styled in the grievance the Union’s focus was on the
“Administrative Letters” concerning absences which have been issued by Bell as part of
its Attendance Management Policy (“AMP”). The Union alleged that the Administrative
Letters are being issued in a manner that is unfair, unreasonable, arbitrary and contrary to
the collective agreement. At the hearing the Union modified this somewhat by adding
that the entire AMP is discriminatory, as well as unfair, unreasonable, arbitrary and
contrary to the collective agreement, and also contrary to what is referred to in labour
relations shorthand as the KVP principles (established by the KVP Co. Ltd. v. Lumber &
Sawmill Workers’ Union, Local 2537, (1965) 16 L.A.C. 73 (Robinson) decision). In his
opening statement, Mr. Russell cited Articles 1 (Employment Equity – specifically
Article 1.02 (Discrimination), 9 (Sickness Absence), 12 (Discipline), 27 (Management
Rights), Part III of the Canada Labour Code, and the Canadian Human Rights Act in
support of the Union’s allegations.

2. The Union submits that Bell’s AMP or use of the Administrative Letters in issue
must be struck down and seeks appropriate Declarations and Orders in that respect.

3. Bell denies that there is anything in its AMP or about its use of the Administrative
Letters that is contrary to the collective agreement, legislation, or unreasonable, arbitrary
or discriminatory or otherwise contrary to labour relations principles. Bell submits that
its approach to attendance management is reasonable and necessary for legitimate
workplace management purposes, and to offer employees appropriate health and safety
support in a timely way.


Visit the Resources page below for more Awards



Tragic loss in 519

Our condolences go out to the Lane-Pratt family


A Communication sent from BTS Manager Brad Atkinson from London on March 11 2019

Last week one of our technicians, Mike Lane-Pratt lost his son Gavin, Gavin was only 14 months. Mike and his wife Tryna are absolutely devastated with the sudden and tragic loss. We are trying to do everything we can to assist the family in this time of need and support. I have set up a Go fund me page to assist them with any cost during this time of grief. We have already raised over $19,000. We have shared it all across social media. I am hoping by using this great channel of Bell/BTS we can show our support to one of our own.


Let’s show Mike and Tryna that we are supporting them, and show them the love her at BTS. Please click the link below to donate and share the link with friends and family



Man dies after falling off roof of Ajax business

We wish to extend condolences to the family


A worker who fell of the roof of an Ajax business has died.

Emergency crews were called to the Gordon Food Service distribution centre near Salem Road and Ringer Road around 11:30 a.m. Thursday.

There were reports a man installing roof decking toppled off the roof.

He was airlifted to hospital, but has since died.

Durham police say he was a 24-year-old man from the Kitchener area.

His name has not been released.

The Ministry of Labour is investigating.