International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 21 2017

For many months Canadians have watched the political climate across the border, seen the polarization of the American people and gaped in shock as events unfolded. While our attention was diverted, we somehow failed to perceive the deepening personal and political divisions of people in Canada. If not outright apathetic, we were willfully or ignorantly blind to the rise of fear and of hate in our country, perhaps because we thought we were immune.

The attack on the mosque in Quebec City that left 6 racialized, Muslim men dead was a shocking event that left many wondering how this could happen? How in Canada, a country known for its peace and politeness, could there be a killing of 6 innocent people in a place of worship, of refuge and sanctuary?   This crime of hate against racialized, Muslim Canadians, because they were racialized and Muslim, seemed unimaginable.


Read more from the links below….

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Per Diem

The Local wishes to ensure any unit member leaving out of town for any Travel/Loan out for Transportation Allowance and Living Expenses to verify Per Diem in your account prior to departure as per Collective Bargaining Articles, 20.02, 20.03, 21.01 and 21.02.

Please see the attached notice from the company in regards to Per Diem.

Per Diem Process Changes



International Women’s Day Rally and March

This year International Women’s Day events continue to build on the great solidarity and energy of the Women’s Marches around the world earlier this year.  Despite attempts to divide and disempower us, we are Uniting and Mobilizing more than ever!

This year’s theme is PERSISTENCE WITH SOLIDARITY TOWARD EQUALITY.  Please join us in Toronto for the IWD Rally and March:

Toronto March 11

11am – IWD Rally (New location this year). University of Toronto Medical Sciences Building Auditorium, 1 King’s College Circle (see map on poster attached).

1pm  – IWD March  Starts at 1 King’s College Circle after the Rally, ends at the Fair at Ryerson Student Learning Centre, at Yonge and Gould.


Look for the Unifor flags!



On March 8, we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) to recognize the roles and contributions of women world-wide, while acknowledging that the plight of women is not equitable, or equal.

To amplify the demand for Trudeau’s government to move women one step closer towards gender equality, Unifor is calling for two key solutions to be implemented immediately – establish a national funded public child care program and paid domestic violence leave legislation.

Every member is encouraged to add their voice and send an electronic letter to their Member of Parliament. With a just two clicks our union can deliver a united message to tell the government to enact paid domestic violence leave and fund a national child care program here.

To send a letter to your MP go to

In addition to this online lobbying action, Unifor is donating a total of $146,000 to women’s shelters nationwide to support survivors of domestic violence. Donations will be distributed by members of locals to shelters across the country. For more info on our union’s commitments for IWD read the statement at
