Unions hold 59-hour vigil at National Assembly

Several Unifor locals were among Quebec labour unions that converged at the National Assembly in Quebec City for a 59-hour vigil May 31 to June 2 to demand changes to a contentious health and safety bill.

While Bill 59 has been touted by the Legault government as a necessary modernization of the Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, the bill is instead part of a move to reduce the financial burden of employers on the backs of injured and sick workers.

To achieve this, Bill 59 provides for a significant rollback of the rights of workers.

“It’s unacceptable,” said Renaud Gagné, Unifor’s Quebec Director. “We have been demanding improvements to our occupational health and safety act for over forty years. We can’t wait another 40 years to assert our rights.”

Bill 59 represents a huge step backwards in terms of both prevention and compensation. The amendments will have a particularly serious impact on women, notably the proposal to limit access to preventive withdrawal for pregnant women.

The union activists held the marathon demonstration through to send a message to elected officials that they will not give up.

“There is no way we’re going to let the Legault government encroach on workers’ rights like this,” said Gagné. “We have to take a stand together to make our voices heard.”

The study of the bill by the government continues in the National Assembly. The mobilization of Unifor activists will continue for as long as it is necessary.

1996-O Chief Steward Structured Cable Election Results

Local 1996-O Chief Steward Elections, Structured Cable


Nominees For:                                                            Spoiled Total:

Chief Steward Structured Cable:
Lloyd Bishop                       50                                                     8
Colum P. Lynn                    17



In Solidarity,


L. Xu
W. Loo
S. Latino
S. Singh


Bell Craft Bargaining – Update #17


Campaign Update

Information Bulletin #17

5/20/2021 -Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations with the company continued this week via zoom. Despite the challenges related to COVID 19 and the current government restrictions, discussions have advanced and at an adequate pace. We are working hard to reach a negotiated agreement.

We thank you for your patience and support, as we continue to fight for your priorities. We will be sure to keep you informed of future developments.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Arbitration Award – Island Days BTS-ON-18-01

JH 18-089 Unifor (Policy re Island Days BTS-ON-18-01) and Bell Canada AWARD,,,,read the full award by clicking here

Many grievors may have received a communication from the employer in reference to the above noted Policy Grievance Award. This grievance and those held in abeyance have been dismissed as per Arbitrator James Hayes




1. This decision addresses a policy grievance about whether all Regular Full-
Time employees are entitled to have consecutive days of rest (CDORs) regardless of
their schedules within each two-week period of work.


2. At issue is the interpretation of Article 16.02(d) of the Collective Agreement.
This clause was amended in the most recent round of collective bargaining.


3. UNIFOR takes the position that the amendments were made, specifically, to
reverse a 2012 arbitration award (“Herman Award”) that interpreted the then-existing
provision to allow the Company to schedule single days of rest (colloquially
referred to as ‘island days’) without a guarantee of CDORs. Bell Technical Solutions,
2012 CarswellOnt 4012 (Herman).


4. The Union further takes the position that, if it is wrong in its interpretation of
Article 16.02(d), BTS is estopped from relying on the strict language of the provision
based on the bargaining history. UNIFOR submits that, because the Company
remained silent in negotiations on the amendments to Article 16.02(d), the Union can
rely upon that silence as signifying agreement to the Union’s position.


5. BTS responds that a plain reading of the Collective Agreement and its context
in the Collective Agreement indicates that CDORs are only guaranteed in the limited
circumstances where a Full-Time employee’s hours have been averaged over a two-week
period. The Company says that its interpretation is reinforced when compared
to the clarity of language used in granting Part-Time employees CDORs in Article
16.04(k). It further maintains that the Union has not made out the essential legal
elements required to ground an estoppel.


To view the full document click the link at the top

Asian Heritage Month

Asian Heritage Month (1)



Asian Heritage Month is an opportunity for all Canadians to learn more about the many achievements and contributions of Canadians of Asian descent who, throughout our history, have done so much to make Canada the amazing country we share today.

The theme for Asian Heritage Month 2021, “Recognition, Resilience, and Resolve”, embodies the myriad of sentiments that peoples of Asian descent in Canada have experienced and honours their contributions and their diverse stories which are rooted in resilience and perseverance. Let us celebrate the incredible diversity that is our strength.


