BlackBerry and Bell to Deliver Enhanced Mobile Threat Defense to Enterprise Customers

WATERLOO, ONTARIO – June 16, 2020 – BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) and Bell (TSX, NYSE: BCE) today announced a new partnership to provide enhanced secure communications to business and government customers, strengthening their longstanding relationship to deliver leading-edge mobile security solutions to Canadian consumers and business customers.

BlackBerry becomes Bell’s preferred Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) partner, enabling Canada’s largest communications company to offer its enterprise customers access to BlackBerry Protect, the MTD solution that uses the power of artificial intelligence to block malware infections, prevent URL phishing attacks and provide application integrity checking.

“We could not be more delighted to partner with Bell, BlackBerry’s preferred telecom partner for BlackBerry Protect in Canada and one of the country’s most innovative companies,” said John Chen, Executive Chairman and CEO of BlackBerry. “Together, we will bring the next level of excellence in endpoint security to Canadian enterprise customers across the country.”

“As organizations of all kinds enable remote work solutions for their teams during COVID‑19, it is more important than ever to remain vigilant about security, including network and mobile device management,” said Mirko Bibic, President and CEO of BCE and Bell Canada. “Bell is proud to be working with mobile security leader BlackBerry to expand the scale of our solutions for the country’s largest organizations.”

To learn more about BlackBerry Mobile Threat Defense, please visit

National Indigenous Peoples Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Dear members,

Please find below Unifor’s statement on the 2020 National Indigenous Peoples Day. More materials for sharing in your networks can be found at

We’re asking you to share pictures of any activities that you participate in during National Indigenous History Month using the hashtag #IndigenousPeoplesDay and tag @unifortheunion.

Statement: 2020 National Indigenous Peoples Day

Unifor is proud to commemorate National Indigenous Peoples Day and Indigenous History Month. June 21 provides an important moment to celebrate Indigenous peoples’ diverse and enduring culture, history and achievements.

Unifor also acknowledges that action from our union is needed every day of the year. It begins with a recognition that Canada itself is founded on colonialism and cultural genocide against Indigenous people. And while that pain cannot be undone (or ignored), we can collectively work to implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and other efforts to recognize the rights of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people.

Those rights have been internationally codified in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP). Last summer, stalling from Conservative Party caucus members in Canada’s unelected Senate obstructed the long-awaited adoption of UNDRIP as law. Unifor will again join with Indigenous organizations to lobby forcefully to have UNDRIP adopted in 2020.

In addition to the overdue adoption of UNDRIP, Indigenous communities are also still waiting for the Government of Canada to make good on its June 2019 promise to develop a National Action Plan to end violence against Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirited peoples. Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett has admitted not only was no plan going to be in place by June 2020, but there is no timeline for the plan’s completion. Unifor echoes the concerns raised already by the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC), the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and many others. Unifor members can write to Minister Bennett online to demand better.

Inherent in the fight for Indigenous rights is the fight for access to resources, natural or otherwise. Across the continent, defending freshwater resources has been a top concern for Indigenous communities—and for good reason. Lack of safe water is a major concern for day-to-day health, but it also raises concerns about preventing the spread of COVID-19. Unifor calls on the federal government to ensure there is adequate funding in place to meet its 2015 promise to eliminate long-term drinking water advisories for all Indigenous communities in Canada.

For its part, Unifor re-commits to the national campaign for the adoption of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

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In solidarity,

Jerry Dias
National President

On World Refugee Day Unifor commits to make solidarity with millions of displaced persons and migrants a core component of our activism

Unifor joins people of goodwill everywhere on June 20, 2020 in recognizing the humanitarian crisis faced by the world’s 70.8 million refugees. In the two decades since the proclamation in 2000 by the United Nations of World Refugee Day, the numbers of refugees and their social conditions have worsened. Displaced from their homes by genocide, war, civil conflict, natural and environmental disasters, and the climate crisis, refugees face daily extreme dangers in their journeys to safety, and in the desperate, unhygienic and socially unacceptable conditions in the camps where tens of millions are trapped.

We reject the excuse that the refugee crisis is insolvable, when in fact the majority of refugees are intentionally displaced by state sponsored violence and repression. An estimated 5.6 million Syrian refugees are in camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, while civil strife and state repression continues in Syria. More than one million Rohingya refugees are internally displaced in camps in Bangladesh still denied citizenship rights in Myanmar. Perhaps the most long-standing forcibly displaced refugees are the millions of Palestinians in camps in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan facing discrimination and often unable to work while the international commitment to a Palestinian state remains unfulfilled.

The political roots of the refugee crisis can and must be resolved, but there is a greater urgency to immediately increase resources to address the health and social conditions of refugees. These conditions are now made more dramatic by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the words of Abu Abdallah, a Syrian refugee in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon, “Coronavirus is worse than war because during war you know who your enemy is. But now you don’t know where the disease is going to come from, from the air or from a person.” Social distancing for refugees is virtually impossible with population density in refugee camps of up to 20 times greater than New York City, one of the global epicenters of the pandemic. In the Moria refugee camp in Greece, the largest refugee camp in Europe, there are 20,000 people in a space with a maximum capacity for 2,700. The Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh is the largest refugee settlement in the world according to UNHCR, with more than 600,000 refugees.

Refugees are the human consequences and legacy of colonialism and militarism, and the rising inequality, institutionalized racism and unsustainability of global capitalism. On this day, we call out the systemic roots of the refugee crisis and demand that Canada and the wealthy developed countries vastly increase their commitments to meet the 2030 Agenda UN sustainable development goals “that no one will be left behind.” For refugees and internally displaced persons, these goals require each country to make the inclusion of refugees and displaced persons an integral part of their own national development plans.

Unifor reaffirms its commitments set out in its 2016 Policy on Refugees, which declares, “A fair, inclusive and welcoming refugee policy is an expression of the best of Canadian values and is an extension of the social solidarity that unites the Canadian labour movement.” This policy is well aligned with the UNHRC Agenda to make the refugee crisis a component of national social policy. Among other measures, Unifor demands these provisions for refugees:

  • No exclusion or discrimination of any class of refugee claimant on the basis of country of origin, race, gender, age, religion, language, physical abilities, economic status, sexuality or political affiliation;
  • Recognition that it is the governments primary responsibility for sponsorship of refugees;
  • Right to the protection of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, due process and right of appeal regardless of whether the refugee makes application from within the country or from a third country;
  • Facilitation of family reunification by Immigration Canada for family members who do not qualify for convention or UNHCR designation;
  • The right to work as soon as possible after arrival in Canada, and permit participation in EI, CPP, Workers Compensation and any other legal regime related to employment;
  • Work permits which allow a worker to remain employed until the refugee claim has been finally determined;
  • Entitlement to health and social services;
  • Funding of community settlement organizations and of programs offering language training; and
  • The provision of refugee resettlement programs involving Canadian trade unions as program partners and private sponsors to assist integration into the work force and to provide advocacy services for refugee workers

Unifor has spoken out on refugee issues and provided funding and support to Medicin Sans Frontiers work on behalf of Rohingya refugees, provided funding and support to multiple UNHRC refugee projects, notably in Syria, Jordan and Brazil, and Unifor and member volunteers have sponsored five Syrian families to resettle in Canada.

On World Refugee Day 2020, Unifor commits to do more and to make solidarity with the millions of displaced persons and migrants a core component of our work and struggle as trade unionists.

We call on the Canadian government to also make new and bold commitments to respond to the global refugee crisis by substantially increasing support to the UNHRC to improve the social conditions for refugees and by welcoming a larger number of refugees to Canada.

Refinery workers reach tentative agreement with Co-op


June 18, 2020

REGINA—The bargaining committee of Unifor Local 594 has reached a tentative agreement with the employer at the Co-op Refinery, 197 days after Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) locked out 730 workers.

“There was always a path to a deal,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “The provincially appointed mediators’ report provided a basis for a new contract, but this dispute was protracted thanks to interference from the Regina Police Service and the incompetence of Premier Scott Moe.”

In February, Moe appointed Vince Ready and Amana Rodgers to mediate a deal that was accepted by 98 per cent of the members yet rejected by FCL. Despite repeated calls from constituents, the Premier refused to step in and support the refinery workers.

“Wealthy corporations have been allowed to act with impunity for too long, exerting their power on workers in order to profit, while eroding wages, pensions, and benefits,” continued Dias. “Unifor members took a stand against this aggression, and Co-op locked them out in the cold. In this fight, we showed that Canada’s workers are united and will fight to defend good jobs, even when governments and police services choose to side with the rich.”

The tentative deal hopefully marks the conclusion of an historic labour dispute. After the aggressive arrest of 14 union members on a legal picket line on January 20, including National President Jerry Dias and Western Regional Director Gavin McGarrigle, hundreds of union members came to Regina from across the country to bolster the picket line, and workers around the world voiced their support.

“I am so proud of the solidarity, strength and courage of our membership,” said Kevin Bittman, Local 594 President. “They never wavered throughout this nasty dispute, and we will always be grateful for the support we received from our Unifor family and the entire labour movement. This was union-busting from an employer that has made billions off of our backs and together we fought and defended our collective agreement.”

Details about the tentative agreement will not be released until members of Local 594 hold a ratification vote. The union worked to ensure the “return to work” protocol protected members and local union leaders from retribution from Co-op.

“The tentative agreement would have been signed weeks ago but Co-op showed their true colours by punitively continuing the lockout, now they will have to try and build back a dedicated and committed workforce that will not forget the disrespect they felt from this profitable employer,” said Scott Doherty, head negotiator and Executive Assistant to Unifor’s National President.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

Court victory in Manitoba could spell end for Ontario’s Bill 124

June 12, 2020 – 12:00 AM

TORONTO – Ontario workers who had their bargaining rights attacked by Ford’s wage restraint law, find hope and vindication as similar legislation was struck down by the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench.

“Ford’s attack on Ontario public sector workers’ bargaining rights, including thousands on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, is a common tactic by conservative politicians, but that does not make it right,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Ford should repeal 124 and give Ontario workers the respect they deserve, because his law will be struck down just like Pallister’s.”

Earlier this week, a Manitoba judge ruled that the so-called Public Services Sustainability Act violates the right to collective bargaining protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In Ontario, Unifor is engaged in a similar court challenge against the legislation in Ontario, along with many other unions representing workers across the broader public sector.

“We said it in 2019, that this law would not stand up in court. After this week’s ruling that confidence has grown, Ford cannot continue to pay lip service to public sector workers while stifling their rights,” said Naureen Rizvi, Unifor Ontario Regional Director.

Ford’s wage restraint bill has forced a one per cent wage cap across the public sector in Ontario, including unionized and non-unionized workers, for any currently expired or expiring collective agreements over the next three years.

This applies to the public service, as well as hospitals, Ornge, some long-term care homes, boards, commissions, agencies, school boards, universities and colleges, and children’s aid societies. Police and firefighters, excluded from the legislation, received wage increases of two per cent or more.