Unifor Statement on Human Rights Day

December 10, 2017


On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 70 years later, the underlying values and principles remain not only universally relevant, but absolutely crucial to the ongoing struggle for social and economic justice and human dignity. Human rights are the rights that give meaning to the universal truth that every human being is of equal worth.


Despite this, challenges to the fundamental status of these rights persist across the globe, in nation-states, in times of war and in times of peace, in institutions and cities and rural areas, and in workplaces. International Human Rights Day is a reminder that inequity, intolerance, discrimination, exclusion, and hatred threaten us all. It is a reminder of our shared humanity and of the necessity of standing up not just for ourselves, but for those most in need. Wherever they are challenged, it is our responsibility to offer a collective response.


Unifor is committed to asserting, promoting and defending human rights. The union’s social justice fund engages in this important work in Canada and across the globe. By providing humanitarian relief in times of crisis and by supporting organizations that are working to end discriminatory treatment, including that of Indigenous children, Unifor offers its solidarity to human rights defenders……………


Unifor Statement on Human Rights Day (2)

Food Drive



Sisters and Brothers. Many people locally in your areas struggle at this time of year and in the spirit of the season we are asking for your support with a Food Drive.   Lets reach out this season and help the less fortunate. Your Logistic Brothers and Sisters have a food drive underway. Located in every work centre, you can donate a non perishable food item in the donation box. Lets all make this a success.

Here are some items that are highly needed and sought after.

Food Items

Media Release -Bell technical workers enter bargaining united

Bell technical workers enter bargaining united

December 6, 2017

Toronto – More than 7,000 technical workers employed at Bell Technical Solutions in Ontario and Quebec entered negotiations today as Unifor coordinated its bargaining strategy to push for fairness.


“Bell needs to know that our union is willing to talk, we are willing to listen, and we will come to the table in good faith to negotiate a fair collective agreement,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “But let me be perfectly clear, these are different times and Unifor is approaching this round of bargaining differently.”


Unifor said this is not only the first set of negotiations with Bell Technical Solutions since Unifor’s founding in 2013, but it is historic. The union has engaged in a joint bargaining process representing 19 locals in Ontario and eight in Quebec, a first for technical workers in Canada.


Read More……MR – 120617 Bell technical workers enter bargaining united