Tum – Truck Utilization Module Award

The Executive has received several concerns and questions about the Tum process and acceptable practices.

Please read below and click the links for the full documentation, specifically the Arbitration Award



Subject:     BTS Memo:  Important update on vehicle utilization (Aug 27 2015 Communication)

Since the Company started to use the Vehicle Matching Process, many technicians have benefited from the program. First, it allows many garage dispatch technicians to travel a lesser distance to work with their own vehicle to pick up a Company truck. Second, it allows BTS to continue to provide the home dispatch privilege to its employees and even to expand the program to some employees that are garage dispatched.
The Company will continue to use the Vehicle Matching Process. Obviously, this has raised some concerns in the past that we are confident have been addressed and resolved. You are probably aware that Unifor filed a grievance contesting the right of the Company to match a garage dispatch technician with the vehicle of a home dispatch technician. An arbitrator confirmed the validity and reasonableness of the Vehicle Matching Process. The arbitrator also confirmed that garage dispatch employees should not pick up the vehicle keys before the start of their shift.
As we want to make the process clear for everyone, you will find below a recap of the responsibilities for technicians involved in the Vehicle Matching Process.
If you have any questions on the above, please discuss your concern with your manager.”

TUMS Communication Aug 27 2015

Employee responsibilities…Tums

Still have questions or concerns?…Reach out to your Steward

Update your Member Contact Info

If you have not done so please update your information below. This will also help assist in distribution of Local Union Membership Cards…..Pass it on…update your information!

Update your membership contact information so we may contact you with updated information…..Bargaining is approaching our Collective Agreement expires in May 6 2018.

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Stronger workers rights and a $15 minimum wage!


Stronger workers’ rights and a $15 minimum wage!

Sisters and brothers,

I’m writing to tell you about an exciting announcement today by the Ontario government. The Premier announced it has heard the call for bold action and the government is introducing a $15 minimum wage.

This is a huge victory for all workers and I was proud to attend the announcement this morning, along with a number of Unifor members.

Our union was invited to attend because of the influential role Unifor continues to have in Ontario.

But none of this would have been possible without you. I sincerely want to thank you for helping to keep the pressure on the government to make change happen.

Over the last two years members have been involved in town halls, consultations, lobby sessions and active on social media to advocate and mobilize a united response to demand change.  I am proud of our work.

Together with other labour organizations and community partners, the government was compelled to do the right thing for Ontario workers. See our response here.

Here is a bit of an overview of what was announced:

  • An increase to the minimum wage to $14 on January 1, 2018 and up to $15 on January 1, 2019.
  • Card check certification in the home care and building services sectors, as well as for temp agency workers.
  • Equal pay for part-time, casual, seasonal and temporary workers.
  • New provisions around scheduling that require employers to pay workers for three hours, in the case of a cancelled shift.
  • Increasing proactive enforcement of the Employment Standards Act and higher fines for employers who break the law.

Click here for more details on the announcement.

The government is moving to introduce legislation by Thursday, before the legislature adjourns for the summer, to turn this bold vision in to law.

Along with addressing the needs of vulnerable and precarious workers in Ontario, some of the proposed reforms will have a positive impact on Unifor members and our union will continue to follow the developments closely. Once the proposed legislation is released the Unifor legal and research departments will do an extensive review that will be shared with you.

In the weeks to come, I will continue to provide updates on these exciting developments and fill you in on how you can stay involved. But today, a celebration is in order. This is bold action for workers in the province and our union helped to make it happen.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi
Ontario Regional Director