serious health and safety hazard!

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Recently I came across a serious health and safety hazard – defective ladder stops. The hazard was identified at our 416 Workplace Health and Safety Committee on Monday, July 6th. The company was advised that this was a serious issue and needed to be addressed immediately. Upon further inspection, 80 more examples of ladders were identified as defective between two work centres.

Please check for the following problem on your ladder before leaving for your work day:
The tab or retrofit on the ladders that secure the foot pad from swiveling all the way around the ladder. This tab once bent or pushed beyond the slide rails compromises the integrity of the foot stop. Please take the time to inspect your ladder thoroughly and ensure that the ladder tab stop has not been compromised. If you find a defect, immediately notify your Health and Safety Rep AND your manager. Do not be complacent and use your ladder.
Safety is your priority!

Sam Snyders
President, Local 1996-O


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