Universal Pharmacare – sign the petition

Since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, Canada and the rest of the world has been responding to what will surely be remembered as the biggest health, social and economic crisis of our time. Providing a robust social system that includes universal access to health care is critically essential for Canada to succeed in a global economy.

However, Canada remains the only developed country with a universal health care system that has no universal prescription drug coverage.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 8 million Canadians did not have prescription drug coverage and an estimated 3 million Canadians did not take medicines prescribed by their doctors because they couldn’t afford them. In a matter of weeks, millions of Canadians have been laid off with few of them having any health care benefits to carry them through this crisis.

The time to act is now – together we need to demand universal pharmacare for everyone, regardless of income, age, or where the person works or lives.


Sign the petition here….

1996-O Member Message

1996-O Executive Message

1996-O Sisters and Brothers,


As we continue to move through these unprecedented times, it’s important that you are kept updated on information to ensure your Health and Safety in these difficult times. President Lee Zommers as well as the rest of the Executive continues to monitor new policies from the company as well as our National Union. We are engaged in Health and safety conference calls weekly and we are providing support for our incredible health and Safety reps as well as our Co-chairs. These members have worked so diligently to ensure you remain healthy and safe at work. We are updating our social media outlets constantly including our website, Local Facebook and our new mental health; Listen up Facebook page as well as twitter. These links are located at the bottom of this email. Please visit them often.


It is of course understandable and very normal to be concerned and at times, you may feel overwhelmed but we all need to believe that this will end in time and life will again show normality. We are in this together!


We are social beings and as such, social distancing can be difficult but it is nevertheless necessary for us to remain healthy and we ask you to continue following governmental guidelines with regards to this.


Our members are true heroes every day in what we do. We keep our customers connected. At the end of the day you should all go home to your families with your head held very high knowing this important fact.


We have been engaged in our 1996-O COVID Hero campaign. On all our social media outlets, we have been featuring selfie pics of you, our 1996-O heroes. If you would like to be part of this campaign, please reply to this email with your selfie at home or at work. We want to show the country our true Heroes. These selfies will only be used once and for this purpose only. Please join the dozens of members who have already submitted theirs and send yours today.


Friends, although it is very difficult for the Executive to do normal visibility at our work centres and our planned BBQ’s at the moment, it is essential that you know that we are here whenever you need us. This is our continued commitment to you. We are a phone call or email away when you need us.


If you having difficulty with any Mental health issue, Brian Lowery, the trained local Mental health advocate and elected member of the UNIFOR ORC Health, safety and environmental committee can be reached confidentially at any time at  welistenup1996@gmail.com

 https://www.facebook.com/UNIFOR1996O/ We Listen Up

We sincerely hope your families are healthy and we are confident that with this increased time with them, you will all remain strong.

In Solidarity,

Lee,  Brian,  Sanjay, Chris

Local 1996-O



FAQ: the New Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)


Download here…

Revised April 28, 2020

Unifor has an information hub for members about the COVID-19 pandemic at unifor.org/COVID19.

The federal government has announced the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) is a new benefit that provides financial relief to workers who have ceased work for reasons relating to COVID-19.

Federal authorities responsible for the CERB have created a Frequently Asked Question document that can be found here. This document includes important details about how the program will operate, and how it will intersect with existing federal and provincial assistance programs (e.g. Employment Insurance). There are still many outstanding questions, and Unifor will provide additional details when they are available.

This short FAQ includes key information known about the program, its eligibility rules and anticipated payment schedules.

  1. What is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit?
  • The CERB is a temporary income support for workers affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The CERB provides a flat benefit of $2,000 (equivalent to $500 per week) for workers who have been out of work or have income reduced to less than $1,000 for reasons relating to COVID-19.
  • The Government announced modified eligibility criteria on April 15, 2020. To get the CERB, you cannot earn more than $1,000 for a period of at least 14 consecutive days within the initial four-week period of your claim, or more than $1,000 for the entire four weeks of each subsequent claim. This means that workers can earn $1,000 or less a month (or $1,000 or less in the 14 day-period, for the first application) and still get the CERB. This is a change from the original CERB rules.
  • The 16-week benefit is available between March 15, 2020 and October 3, 2020. Individuals can apply no later than December 2, 2020.
  1. What situations does the Canada Emergency Response Benefit address?
  • The CERB covers workers who are or expect to be without employment or self-employment income for at least 14 consecutive days in the initial four-week benefit period. For subsequent benefit periods, it covers workers who expect to receive $1,000 or less in employment income per month. It is meant to address situations where workers, for reasons relating to COVID-19:
    • Have been terminated or laid off or face a reduction in work hours;
    • Are sick, quarantined, in self-isolation or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19; or
    • Are working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children due to illness or school/daycare closures.
  • The CERB applies to wage earners, including contract workers and self-employed individuals regardless of their eligibility for Employment Insurance (EI).
  • Additionally, a worker can apply for the CERB if:
    • They are eligible for EI regular or sickness benefits; or
    • They are a former EI claimant who used up their entitlement to EI regular benefits between December 29, 2019 and October 3, 2020 and are unable to return to work due to COVID-19. This will include some seasonal workers who cannot resume their seasonal work due to COVID-19.
  1. Am I eligible for CERB benefits?
  • To qualify for CERB benefits, applicants must (a) be a resident of Canada, (b) be 15 years or older, and (c) have had a total income of at least $5,000 (combined) in 2019 or in the 12 months immediately preceding the application, from any of the following sources:
    • Employment income,
    • Self-employment income, and
    • Maternity or parental leave benefits.
    • The income did not have to be earned in Canada, but applicants must reside in Canada currently to qualify.
  • It is not a requirement that individuals earn the $5,000 in Canada, only that applicants must now be resident in Canada to qualify.
  1. How much will I get?
  • The CERB provides $2,000 for each four-week period, to a maximum of 16 weeks. Every qualified person receives the same amount.
  1. Is the CERB a taxable benefit?
  • The CERB is a taxable benefit, but tax will not be deducted on the payments. Recipients will be required to declare the CERB payments as income on their 2020 tax return.
  1. How will I be paid under the CERB?
  • The CERB will be paid every four weeks, and be available from March 15, 2020 until October 3, 2020.
  1. Where can I apply?
  • The CERB application portal is now online (click here).
  1. I started an EI claim prior to March 15, what do I do?
  • If you started an EI claim prior to March 15, 2020, you will receive your regular EI benefit and you will not receive the CERB. The maximum weekly EI benefit is $573 for those who qualify.
  1. I have not yet applied for EI or the CERB, what should I do?
  • It is important to note that Employment Insurance and the CERB are two distinct benefits. To help process an extraordinary number of EI claims, the Government has established a new, interim Employment Insurance Emergency Response Benefit to mirror the benefits provided in the CERB.
  • Unifor believes it is most advantageous for EI eligible workers to apply directly to EI (the federal CERB website will redirect you automatically, if you are EI eligible). EI benefits paid to workers who apply on or after March 15 will mirror CERB payments for the first 16 weeks. Applying for EI will be better for workers who need to continue receiving EI benefits after the initial 16-week period.
  • For assistance in filling out the EI application form to receive the new emergency benefit, check out Unifor’s step-by-step “How-To Guide” here.
  • If a worker is not eligible for EI, the only option available to them is to apply directly for the CERB.
  1. Should I apply to both EI and the CERB?
  • No. You will receive benefits only from one of the two programs. If you receive money from both EI and CERB, the Government will expect you to pay it back.
  1. If I have to repay my CERB money because I received an overpayment, or because my employer retroactively applied for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, how do I do it?
  • If you received your CERB payment in the form of a cheque, and still have the original cheque, you can mail it back to:

Revenue Processing – Repayment of CERB
Sudbury Tax Centre
1050 Notre Dame Avenue
Sudbury, ON P3A 0C3

  • If you received your CERB payment by direct deposit, you can write and mail a cheque back to Canada Revenue Agency to the address above. Please following these instructions:
    • Make the cheque payable to: Receive General of Canada
    • Indicate it is for “Repayment of CERB”
    • Include your Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Temporary Tax Number (TTN)
  • Starting May 11, individuals repaying their CERB can do so online, using the Service Canada MyAccount system. Individuals can access and start a new account by clicking here.
  1. How do I apply directly for CERB payments?
  • The Canada Emergency Response Benefit application is available here. Applicants will also be able to apply by calling 1-800-959-2019 or 1-800-959-2041
  • CERB recipients, who remain eligible, are required to reapply for benefits at the beginning of each 4-week claims period (up to a maximum of 16 weeks).
  1. When will I start receiving my CERB payments?
  • The Government has said claims will be processed within 10 days but most claims will be processed more quickly than that. Individuals who sign up for direct deposit can expect to receive the payment quicker than those who elect to receive the payment via cheque.  Applications can be back-dated to March 15, 2020.
  1. I started receiving Employment Insurance benefits prior to March 15. Do I qualify for the CERB payments?
  • At this point, the answer is no. You will continue to receive your EI benefits. If your EI benefits end before October 3, 2020, and if you meet the CERB eligibility criteria, and if you are still unable to return to work for reasons relating to COVID-19, you will be able to apply for CERB benefits.
  1. What if I am still sick or unemployed after October 3, 2020?
  • If you have enough EI insurable hours, you will still be able to access your normal EI benefits after the 16-week period covered by the CERB.
  1. Do other provincial support payment disentitle me to CERB?
  • No. Provided it is allowed in your province or territory, you may also receive provincial or territorial support payments at the same time you receive the Canada Emergency Response Benefit.
  1. Am I entitled to receive Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) payments while receiving CERB?
  • The Government has yet to clarify what affect the CERB will have on workers eligible for Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) plans.
  • Unifor continues to discuss this matter with government officials.
  1. Does severance pay or pension income affect my eligibility for CERB? 
  • No.

Update on WTTH Installations

Unifor National

Letter to Bell & Bell Craft Units and Local Unions

April 27, 2020

To: Local Union Presidents & Unit Chairs: Bell & Bell Craft Units

Subject: Update n WTTH Installations


Sisters and Brothers,

As many of you are well aware, the President of Bell Canada put out a release last week indicating that Bell would be ramping up the installation of WHI to 137,000 customers.

This move outraged members, local executives and our national union. This is the specific work that we have been campaigning to repatriate and continue to insist should be done by Unifor members working for Bell Canada.

With this information, Unifor National President Jerry Dias reached out to the Vice President of Bell, Bernard Leduc to discuss our concerns and express frustration on behalf of Unifor members.

While there have been no layoffs at Bell, there are significant numbers of our members working reduced hours, undesirable shifts and performing call centre work as a result of the overseas call centres being down.

Jerry shared your frustration, and expressed to Leduc that members have stepped up and delivered for Bell throughout this pandemic to serve the customers and keep Canadians connected during this unprecedented time. It was clearly conveyed that this continued contracting out of residential installations is not conducive to the kind of respectful cooperation both parties have been working toward during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

It was agreed that conversations regarding our concerns would be taken up with senior leadership at Bell, including President Mirko Bibic and the company would get back to Jerry in the coming days.

Sisters and Brothers, you have been there for Bell during this crisis, we have conveyed your concerns in the strongest of terms and expect more from Bell in return for the flexibility and commitment our members have shown during the crisis.

Please know that we are continuing to follow up and find a resolve.


In solidarity,