Bell expands LTE-M network coverage in the United States with AT&T

Enabling cross-border Internet of Things (IoT) access for Canadian businesses

MONTRÉAL, Sept. 19, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ – Bell today announced an expanded reciprocal roaming partnership with AT&T to provide Canadian business customers access to AT&T’s LTE-M network across the United States.

Bell was the first Canadian carrier to launch a 5G-ready LTE-M (Long Term Evolution, category M1) network in Canada, transforming the way Canadian businesses leverage Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The reciprocal agreement enables AT&T customers to roam on Bell’s national LTE-M network in Canada.

“As the nation’s leader in broadband network innovation, Bell is helping Canadian enterprises take full advantage of IoT applications to improve their operations and grow their businesses,” said Nauby Jacob, Bell Mobility’s Vice President of Products and Services. “Our expanded partnership with AT&T further enhances Bell’s LTE-M leadership by providing our customers with network coverage throughout Canada and the U.S.”

LTE-M supports low-power IoT applications with enhanced coverage, longer battery life and lower costs for IoT devices connecting to Bell’s national network. Bell LTE-M supports a broad range of large-scale IoT innovations, including asset tracking, fleet management, smart sensors, smart city applications and municipal water system management.

“More and more of our enterprise customers are launching IoT applications across international boundaries. Having access to the Bell LTE-M network across Canada will help them simplify deployments and scale their North American IoT plans,” said Chris Penrose, President, Advanced Mobility and Enterprise Solutions, AT&T.

For more information about Bell’s LTE-M network, please visit For more about Bell IoT solutions, please visit


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Nemak strike ends

Strike action ends as Unifor and Nemak reach a negotiated agreement


WINDSOR—Unifor and Nemak have reached a negotiated agreement to end the labour dispute at its Windsor facility. The workers, members of Unifor Local 200, will return to work tonight.

The parties agreed to the framework conditions Unifor proposed to Nemak last evening including:
• A timeline for negotiations regarding the closure announcement.
• An expedited arbitration process should a negotiated resolution prove unsuccessful.
• Both Nemak and Unifor will abide by the arbitration decision, regardless of the outcome.
• Nemak will not discipline any Unifor member for any issues related to the dispute.

The agreement will allow workers to report for duty at the Windsor plant at 11 p.m. on Sunday September 15.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

Orange Shirt Day 2019 – September 30

Will you be wearing your Orange shirt on September 30!!


Monday, September 30 is Orange Shirt Day, an annual event to recognize the experience of residential school survivors. Unifor actively participates as part of our campaign for truth, justice, and reconciliation for Indigenous communities.

Individuals and communities across Canada continue to suffer the intergenerational effects of the violence from residential schools. Orange Shirt Day is an important opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools, and communities to come together and say “Every child matters”. Indigenous children must know they are loved and valued.



We Listen Up

“WE LISTEN UP” in local 1996-O. Look for important information about how to deal with STRESS and accomplish WORK LIFE BALANCE. Look for an AFTER YOUR SHIFT BBQ coming to your Work Centre soon!


In Solidarity,

Lee, Sanjay, Brian, Chris

Award Bell Vacation Scheduling

In the Matter of an Arbitration
Bell Canada (employer)
Unifor (union)
In the Matter of Vacation Scheduling Grievances


The union alleges that the employer violated article 21.09 of the collective agreement by not
creating vacation schedules in accordance with that article.

The two most relevant provisions of the collective agreement read as follows:

“21.08. Vacation schedules shall be prepared each year by the Company between January 1st
and February 1st with due consideration to seniority, provided, however, that such schedules
shall be arranged to cause, in the judgement of the Company, the least possible interference
with efficient performance of the work. In general, vacations shall commence at the beginning of
the calendar week unless the demands of the work make this impossible.

21.09 For the purposes of vacation selection, each Tier D manager’s group shall be
considered a seniority unit.”

This is not the first time I have addressed the meaning of, principally, article 21.09, but also the
relevance of article 21.08 in the scheduling of vacations. The parties are both familiar with that
award and both addressed it in their final submissions. I do not intend to quote from it and will
say, only, that I reiterate that the results could vary from location to location, depending on the
particular facts.

Award Bell Vacation Scheduling April 2019…Read More