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Bill C-377


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Canada’s unions are celebrating the adoption of Bill C-4, legislation that repeals the former Conservative government’s controversial anti-union Bills
C-377 and C-525.

“Our affiliates and labour activists across the country have organized and campaigned against these bills from the beginning, and this is their victory to celebrate,” said CLC President Hassan Yussuff.

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau then promised that, if elected, he would repeal these bills and we are happy he has kept that promise,” he added.

The former Conservative government argued Bill C-377 was about union transparency, but experts from across the spectrum agreed it was really about red tape that would have forced unions, their suppliers, and other businesses they work with to spend millions of dollars and thousands of hours producing and processing expense reports to be reviewed and filed – all at taxpayer expense.

Bill C-525 would have made it more difficult for workers in federally-regulated workplaces to join a union. It was opposed by labour relations experts, but was nonetheless passed into law by the Conservatives in December 2014.

Bill C-377 was opposed by everyone from the NHL Players’ Association to Conservative and Liberal senators, constitutional experts, Canada’s Privacy Commissioner, the Canadian Bar Association, the insurance and mutual fund industry, seven provinces, and a long and diverse list of others in the business, financial, professional, legal, labour, and academic communities, private and public, federal and provincial. Despite that opposition, the Conservatives used their Senate majority to pass the bill on June 30, 2015.

Read more here…..

New Provincial Legislation for sick days

Local 1996-O is in support of this new Provincial Legislation, and although BTS is Federally regulated,  perhaps Unifor should lobby for this Federally! This will create some relief on the Provincial Health Insurance system and Doctors will be more focused on treating patients in need of medical care.


Sick notes for the boss could soon be a thing of the past in Ontario.

Employers will be banned from asking staff for a doctor’s note if they take 10 or fewer days a year under legislation proposed to take effect next January.

The measure, part of the workplace reform law Premier Kathleen Wynne’s administration has put forward, means fewer wasted appointments for doctors and nurse practitioners, allowing workers to stay home and get well instead of spreading their germs around, Health Minister Eric Hoskins said Thursday.

“This becomes one less thing to worry about when you’re not feeling well,” Hoskins, a family physician, told a news conference at Women’s College Hospital.

Labour Minister Kevin Flynn, who is shepherding the labour reforms that include a $15 minimum wage by 2019, said the law will ensure all workers are entitled to at least 10 personal emergency leave days annually, two of which must be paid.

Reasons for personal emergency leave can include illness or taking care of sick family members along with domestic or sexual violence or the threat of it.

Flynn said “most employers” no longer require sick notes, but the ban will force others in line with more modern employment practices.

As well, it will take precedence over any sick note terms in collective agreements, Flynn added.

Read more here…..