Northstar Aerospace update


Unifors objective is to maintain around the clock picket coverage


Unifor has occupied the Northstar Aerospace plant located at 180 Market Drive‎, Milton (just south of Hwy.401, west of Martin Street).


In January of this year Northstar announced it was closing the plant. Today’s action was taken as a result of  the company’s continued failure to address a significant shortfall in the pension plan. Without additional funding from the company, the shortfall will lead to a 24% reduction in pension benefits


Unifor members occupy Milton plant that makes Boeing parts – Toronto – CBC News



Sisters and Brothers,

Northstar Aerospace is closing its Milton facility on September 30, 2017 and it is leaving behind a pension short fall that will affect current and future retirees who are members of Unifor Local 112.

If Northstar does not supplement the pension fund and gets away with this, our members will be stuck with a 24% cut to their pension. Other benefits and severance payments are also at risk.

We need to support our retirees and active members. Northstar has a moral obligation and has the financial ability to meet this pension short fall. Unifor will not stand by and allow Northstar to just walk away.

Please join me on August 2 at a demonstration at the Northstar facility located at 180 Market Drive in Milton at 5:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. and let’s send this employer a message: Retirees deserve better.

See you on August 2 and be sure to bring your union flag.

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias

National President

Unifor 1996-O Scholarships

The deadline is fast approaching to get your application submitted.


We in Local 1996-O are concerned about the lives of our members’ families and their education.  Due to high tuition fees we recognize that post-secondary education is out of reach for many working-class. To assist, we’ve established 2 scholarships worth $1,000.00 each. One in memory of the late Brother, Milos Petrasinovic and Brother, Alwa Marcelle.

The scholarships are awarded to sons/daughters of Unifor 1996-O members in good standing.  Students must be entering their first year of full-time post-secondary education (university, community college, technological institute, trade school, etc.) in a public Canadian institution. 

These are entrance Scholarships only and are not renewable for students entering subsequent years of study.

Deadline for submitting an application is August 31 2017

The selection of candidates will be September 11 2017 and will be final.

Click here to download the 2017 application.

Trump targets telecom rules in NAFTA summary

It’s unclear from the summary of NAFTA negotiation goals released Monday if the Americans want a loosening of foreign ownership restrictions in the sector, or simply better wholesale terms for reselling incumbents’ services.

Donald Trump is targeting the rules that guard Canada’s telecom industry, pressing for “reasonable” access for U.S. carriers to the domestic market dominated by Bell, Rogers and Telus.

Still, it’s unclear from the summary of North American Free Trade Agreement negotiation goals the U.S. president and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer released Monday if the Americans want a loosening of foreign ownership restrictions in the sector, or simply better wholesale terms for reselling incumbents’ services.

The U.S. is the first member of the Mexico, Canada and U.S. agreement to outline its objectives for negotiations scheduled to start next month and wrap up by the end of the year. However, a reignited fight over telecom and financial services, another scared cow targeted by the U.S., could stretch discussions out over a number of years……..

Read More…Click here

Unifor partners with Red Cross BC Wildfire Relief Fund

pres national

Unifor is proud to partner with the Canadian Red Cross to support the people of British Columbia as they deal with the devastation caused by raging forest fires.

Tens of thousands have been forced to flee their homes as fire fighters battle around the clock to contain over 100 wildfires. Members and local unions are asked to help provide financial support to these vulnerable families and individuals.

To help facilitate donations the Red Cross has set up a Unifor portal to receive funds online but cheques from Locals or individuals will also be accepted.

To donate online go to

Those who wish to donate by cheque should forward cheques made out to the Red Cross to:

Unifor National office

Attn: International Department, 205 Placer Court, Toronto, ON M2H 3H9

So far, a combined amount of $220,000 has been donated to Red Cross BC wildfire relief by Unifor National, the Regional Councils, and the union’s Social Justice Fund, however the need to immediately provide shelter, clothing and food remains great.

Please take a few minutes to make a donation today to help these residents and communities recover from this catastrophic event.

In Solidarity,

Jerry Dias National President

1996-O BBQ

Local 1996-O members BBQ…date and venue details for Local 1996-O BBQ are being ironed out for late summer/fall…….coming soon stayed tuned for more details