Welcome new Brampton Stewards

Local 1996-O Executive is very proud to introduce our 7 new Local Union Stewards for Brampton. Welcome Brothers Fernando,Floyd,Mark,Daryl,Dalbir,
Jordan and Nick. We know you will serve our members well!
Brampton stewards

Help Local 597

Sister and Brothers,

One year ago today, an American employer locked-out 32 Unifor members in Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, in an attempt to bust our union. Our community in St. John’s is rallying this afternoon in support of these workers.

Here’s how you can help from home!

Please take a few seconds right now to sign up for our Thunderclap, which will post a one-time message to your Twitter or Facebook account in unison with 100s of other members. Tomorrow, the D-J Composites CEO will hear our voices all the way from his home in Kansas.

To learn more about this lock-out and other ways to help, visit unifor.org/supportlocal597

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias

National President

Bell Clerical Bargaining Bulletin #8

Unifor Locals 6004, 6005, 6006, 6007, 6008 and 37

Sisters and Brothers,

We wish you and your family peace, joy and job security this season.
With your passion and solidarity, we made great strides in bargaining during the week of December 11, including paid domestic violence leave, significant improvements to the Profile system, and language on mental health initiatives in the Collective Agreement. While Bell continues to push against the real changes that clerical workers are demanding, you have shown that this bargaining unit will not allow the company to continue to erode and eliminate our jobs.

On Tuesday, December 19…….Bell Clerical Bargaining Bulletin #8 Dec. 18 FINAL