PRM and Work Place stress

The PRM process is being addressed. It is more then obvious and causing incredible stress for all members! We need to achieve a work life balance for all! and are working tirelessly towards that.

Good Jobs For All Coalition

The Good Jobs for All Coalition, a coalition of more than 30 community, labour and environmental organizations in the Greater Toronto Area, is sponsoring a teach-in and public forum next Monday.  Please join us for this important event!


NAFTA, Jobs and Equity – Teach-in and Forum

Monday Dec 4th

Teach-in at 5 pm (with pizza!)

Public Forum at 7 pm.


Keynote speakers: Armine Yalnizyan, Economist and CBC Columnist, and Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress

Location: Steelworkers Hall at 25 Cecil St., Toronto

(southeast of Spadina & College, parking behind building)
Background:   There’s been considerable public debate about President Trump’s agenda and what it might mean for some Canadian industries and provisions such as the dispute settlement mechanism.  However, there’s been less attention to issues such as:
– The potential impact on jobs in both manufacturing and the huge service sectors of our economy, public and private services, and what this means for women, racialized workers and others employed in these sectors
– The role of the corporate lobby in these talks, with interests that may differ at times from Trump’s
– The interplay of NAFTA, CETA and TPP on all sectors and impact on public policies such as local procurement policies; and
– An alternative vision of global trade, development and solidarity.


In sol,




Josephine Petcher

National Representative | Représentante nationale

Toronto Area Director | Directrice locale de Toronto


New employment laws – we did it!


20 26


What an incredible day yesterday was. Bill 148 passed third and final reading, ushering in major changes to our employment laws and a $15 minimum wage.

I was at Queen’s Park yesterday morning for the vote and the excitement in the air was electric. An hour later, I joined the mass rally outside on the lawn of the legislature, hosted by the Ontario Federation of Labour and Fight for $15 and Fairness – celebrating this win for working people.

Ontario workers have a lot to cheer for – but we’ve earned it. Unifor members worked side by side with other trade unionists, workers and community partners to help win these changes. By working together, we were stronger and pushed for the kinds of reforms workers needed.

I am extremely proud of the work that we’ve done over the last two years to make this win possible. Thank you for your efforts. I am also very proud that our movement did not shy away from the challenge by big business – particularly this past summer when the provincial and local chambers of commerce ramped up the rhetoric that a wage increase would destroy the economy. Big business doesn’t run this province – working people do!

Make no mistake though – we need to stay active to keep pushing. The provincial election is on the horizon and we need to work hard to protect these gains. We’ll be mobilizing like never before for the June 2018 Ontario election because so much will be at stake.

Find out more about Bill 148 here:

Thank you once again for your efforts and keep up the fight!

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi

Ontario Regional Director