Strike at Bombardier ends after members ratify new contract

a row of ballot boxes and people in the distance walking around

July 10, 2024


MISSISSAUGA—Unifor members at Bombardier ratified a new three-year collective agreement today bringing an end to an 18-day strike at the company’s aircraft manufacturing facilities in Mississauga and Waterloo.

“Our union’s top priority in these negotiations was to secure an agreement that reflects our members’ skills, hard work and dedication which have made Bombardier’s Global jet program so successful,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “After a highly effective strike I am proud to say that our members ratified a landmark agreement that delivers a substantial economic package at a time when aerospace workers need it most.”

At ratification meetings held today, Unifor Local 112 and 673 members ratified a new agreement that provides workers with general wage increases of 12.5% over the life of the agreement, increased pension contributions and better job security.

“What changed the outcome of these negotiations and brought a fair deal within reach, was the unwavering support from our members on the picket lines,” said Unifor Local 112 President John Turner.  “The historic gains we have made in this agreement would never have happened without strike action that showed the company our members would not back down until a fair deal was reached.”

Unifor Local 112 represents approximately 1,200 production and Skilled Trades members at Bombardier. Together with 250 office, professional and technical workers represented by Local 673, workers at Bombardier’s Pearson and Waterloo facilities build the company’s Global series of jets. The newly ratified agreement also includes work commitments and job ownership for union members over the entire Global fleet, including the forthcoming 8000 series ultra long-range business jet and any derivatives thereof.

“It was essential that we secured work ownership over the entire Global jet program to protect our members’ jobs today and for the next generation of Bombardier aerospace workers,” said Unifor Local 673 President Maryellen McIlmoyle. “Bombardier members are dedicated and hard-working beyond measure.

We ratified an agreement that delivers higher wages, better pensions and a stronger economic future for all Bombardier workers.”

Support Best Theratronics Workers on Strike!

Seven people holding place cards that read "on strike" and red Unifor flags standing in front of a parked car

July 10, 2024


A message from National President Lana Payne on 44 members on strike since May 1 at Best Theratronics – a medical manufacturing plant in Kanata,Ontario where they make equipment used in cancer treatments.

This is their first labour dispute.

They were at the end of their rope. Let me tell you why.

It takes a lot for a group of workers to get to this point: years of frustrations, years of a “father knows best, you should consider yourself  lucky to have a job here” attitude.

What is clear and inspiring is the resolve and determination of these workers.

This dispute is now about their union, defending their right to fair and free collective bargaining, defending their workplace rights, supported under the laws of Canada.

As Local 1541 President Steve LaBelle has said: “Seeing the lengths this company will go to skirt around a fair deal is mind-boggling.”

It started with an employer who clearly didn’t want to enter into bargaining. Indeed, taken in their totality, this employer’s actions are tantamount to union busting. (Not a term I ever use lightly.)

From actions that deliberately frustrated the bargaining process to threatening our members with the loss of their jobs if they dared to exercise their union rights to thwarting every reasonable step to reach an agreement. Haranguing them. Telling them to cross their own picket line and agree to new terms and conditions for work. Those conditions would be less, of course.

Unifor bargains hundred and hundreds of collective agreements a year. I can attest that what our Best Theratronics members have been experiencing is far from the norm. It is not a case of bargaining hard, it is a case of not bargaining at all.

These  are the actions of an employer who refuses to accept that workers in this country have a right to freedom of association, to be represented by a union and to negotiate their working conditions, fairly and freely.

Let’s start with the beginning.

Unifor Local 1541 was certified to represent employees at the plant in 2006. Members include machinists, welders, sheet metal workers, machine operators, technicians, electricians, mechanics and inspectors. At the time the plant was owned by MSD Nordion Inc.

In 2007, the facility was sold to Best Medical International, which set up the Ottawa business as Best Theratronics.

In addition to our members, there is another group of employees represented by the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC).

The current collective agreement expired March 21, 2023. The union served notice to bargain in February 2023. No negotiations took place for months and months. In September of last year, the union sent the employer a request for disclosure of information, as permitted under the federal Labour Code.

The parties finally met for the first date of negotiations on November 2 and again on November 29. The employer was represented by legal counsel and plant management.

The owner – Krishnan Suthanthiran – is clearly the only person who can make a decision. He was not part of the negotiations.

The first meetings dealt with non-monetary issues, as is usual. The counsel for the employer said the employer would not have a monetary offer before December 18th.

Our local tabled its own monetary offer in advance of the December bargaining date. The union also requested financial disclosure information.

Nothing was received. The union again asked the employer to table their monetary offer prior to a scheduled bargaining date of January 15.

At this point, almost a year had gone by since the union sent a notice to bargain. On January 15th the employer tabled – get this – a $25 increase for safety eyewear and NOTHING else. There would be no other monetary increase tabled by the employer and no disclosure of financial information.

The employer tabled a 2-year deal with no monetary increases for any member of Local 1451.

The next day, Unifor filed for conciliation.

Conciliation was set for March 21 and 22.

The employer was represented by counsel only. The union was told the employer’s position on zero increase for wages had not changed. Then the employer asked that the union wait another THREE MONTHS for the owner to find time to meet with the union. This was to be mid-June.

And that the union take no action during this time. (You see what is happening here.)

A few days went by and the employer told the union that it would now be July before the owner was available.

The local had had enough. A strike vote was held a frustrating year after the contract expired. They voted 90% in favour of a strike if necessary.

The union issued 72-hour strike notice. Nothing from the employer.

Strike action began May 1. PSAC members went on strike May 10th.

In June, the owner sent a general communique stating he would be travelling for most of July. So not coming to meet or to bargain a collective agreement as promised.

Since April, the owner has sent a series of emails and communications. They are something. Rambling, threatening, and a violation of the Labour Code.

During the May 24 weekend, Suthanthiran’s  communique to employees not on strike  but shared with everyone said: “I feel like every other weekend is a long weekend in Canada. The recent challenges are…predictable Canadian way of life.” The tone of the email was Canadian workers are too privileged. And should be thankful for what they have. He also threatened to move the operations to the U.S. or India.

Further communication demanded our members cross their own picket line and come back to work under new terms and conditions. You guessed it: just the legislated minimum. Telling our members: “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

This employer has engaged in bad faith bargaining, in other words violating the labour law of Canada. The employer’s actions represent an effort to change the terms and conditions of work during the bargaining period. And they interfere with the representation of workers by a trade union. (That’s legal speak for failing to live up to your obligations under the law. Union-busting 101.)

For years our members have worked hard for very small annual wage increases. It is their skills and hard work that builds the medical equipment used in cancer treatments. For 16 years they watched their wages fall behind. The owner of the company says our members are like family. But actions say otherwise.

All they want is a fair collective agreement and for their employer to follow the country’s labour laws.

Unifor has filed an unfair labour complaint with the CIRB.

We will continue to support our members with all the tools at our disposal.

Our members are committed to standing up for their union and for the rights of unionized workers everywhere.

I am proud of them, their fight and their incredible solidarity.

Please join me Monday on their picket line in Kanata.

One day longer. One day stronger.

Lana Payne
National President

For more about the owner of Best Theratronics:

Millionaire who bought B.C. ghost town — complete with 302 empty homes — under investigation for money laundering in Belgium
Millionaire owner of Kitsault, B.C., hopes ghost town sees a second life as an energy hub

To read more about the dispute:

Best Theratronics workers go on strike after company’s 0% offer
Best Theratronics owner holiday email rant slams stat holidays, touts benefits of seven-day workweek and threatens to move jobs overseas
Best Theratronics use of unqualified scab labour raises nuclear safety concerns
Joint Letter: Labour Dispute at Best Theratronics
New digital ads from Unifor and PSAC target Best Theratronics to bargain a fair deal

Bell Media continues to slash and burn jobs before Canada Day long weekend


TORONTO – Unifor is deeply concerned and outraged that Bell Media has once again announced restructuring plans, this time, giving notice to close to 50 Unifor media workers.

“This is a corporation that has made billions of profits at the end of last year and they continue to carry on with their profit-over-people principle,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

“This is yet another blow to journalism and democracy and a step towards bigger swaths of news deserts across Canada.”

Unifor was informed that 49 unionized positions may be impacted in Locals 79-M and 723-M, driven by what the company calls, the “Willow” plan to relocate its downtown Toronto news stations CP24, BNN and NewsTalk 1010, to Agincourt, Ont.

The company plans on consolidating these stations with its existing CTV Toronto, CTV News Channel and CTV National News.

The Bell Media cuts specifically impact production workers, including ENG editors and supervisors, media services coordinators, media services technicians, graphics artists, post sound, AV technicians, and engineering technicians, among others.

In June, 2023 Bell cut 1,300 media jobs and in February of this year terminated 4,800 workers, including 100 in media as noon news broadcasts on all CTV stations, except Toronto, and weekend newscasts on all CTV and CTV2 stations, except in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa were cancelled.

Earlier this year Unifor launched its ‘Shame on Bell’ campaign to call out the BCE Board for decimating Bell’s media division while continuing to hike shareholder payouts.

The Bell cuts are the second major hit to local news this month.

On June 12, 35 Unifor members at Global News were laid off as part of restructuring by Corus Entertainment Inc. There were 13 layoffs in Calgary, seven in Toronto, eight in Edmonton, three in Lethbridge, three in Ottawa, and one in B.C.

The 35 Global TV cuts were on top of 11 Unifor members at the company who were already laid off in 2024.

Unifor represents more than 10,000 media workers, including 5,000 members in the broadcast and film industries.

Joint Statement from Unifor National President Lana Payne and Premier Doug Ford


TORONTO — Today, Premier Doug Ford and Unifor National President Lana Payne issued the following joint statement on the need for the federal government to invest in jobs in Thunder Bay:

“To protect production, good union jobs and maintain servicing capacity of subway trains in Thunder Bay, we are calling on the federal government to step forward with its share of funding for replacement subway trains for the TTC’s Line 2.

As part of Ontario’s new deal to improve the reliability of transit with the City of Toronto, the province pledged $758 million for new Line 2 subway trains, conditional on the federal government doing its part. The province and city reached this deal over seven months ago, but the federal government has yet to announce its commitment. Thousands of workers in Thunder Bay, where the subway trains are made, and millions of transit riders are depending on the federal government funding its share of the project.

Together, we are calling on the federal government to offer the workers in Thunder Bay the certainty and stability they deserve. It’s time for the federal government to join us in securing the future for workers and transit users.”

Unifor applauds Ontario government direction of ad spends to Canadian journalism organizations


TORONTO—Unifor supports the Ontario government’s announcement today that it will direct key provincial agencies to ensure at least 25% of their ad spends will go to Ontario publishers, a move that encourages saving local news.

“We all know that community, regional and national news publishers have been facing and struggling with declining ad sales,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

“This initiative will help giving Ontario publishers support to keep afloat. Unifor calls on the federal government, as well as other provinces, to follow Ontario’s lead on and commit to supporting Canadian news.”

Unifor has always maintained that Canada’s media sector requires a variety of sources of funding, and this is one important piece of that puzzle. The federal government has taken steps to provide relief and it’s encouraging to see Ontario step up to the plate, by putting tax dollars to work.

The Ontario Finance, Transportation and Tourism, Culture and Gaming ministries have directed the largest to four government agencies – the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), the Ontario Cannabis Store, Metrolinx and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) – to allocate a minimum of 25% of their annual advertising spend, which tends to be well over $100 million on marketing each year.

The ad buys must be directed to Ontario-based publishers, designated as Qualified Canadian Journalism Organizations by the Canada Revenue Agency.

This means the province expects this new initiative to flow over $25 million to Ontario-based publishers, which will help protect jobs and promote local content and culture.

“This is a step in the right direction,” said Unifor Ontario Regional Director Samia Hashi.  “It’s great to see the government supporting Canadian journalism and prioritizing local news and media workers in Ontario.”

The plan comes into effect by Sept. 3, 2024. The Ontario government said it will review this initiative on a quarterly basis.

Unifor represents more than 10,000 media workers, including 5,000 members in the broadcast and film industries