Unifor’s Statement on Persons Day

Each October 18, Canada marks Persons Day. On this day, the Privy Council declared some women to be persons under the Constitution they gained the right to be appointed to public office including the Senate of Canada.

This right was not open to most women based on class and race. Reviewing our legislatures and the Senate today, not a lot has changed.

Women continue to make up fewer than 32 per cent of lawmakers. Women of colour, Indigenous women and working-class women make up a small fraction of that number.

The importance of having a diversity within our lawmakers can’t be overstated. The pandemic has shone a light on pre-existing gender and racial inequality and has increasingly widened the gap. Inequality has especially deepened for women and non-binary people facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.

Having women in the legislature has undoubtedly influenced supportive laws passed during the pandemic. There has even been some gains in the area of child care, sexual harassment laws and pay equity.

We’ve seen the vital importance of women’s leadership in all elected spaces, including unions, throughout this pandemic. Work needs to be done to bring down the barriers to women’s access to these positions and the challenges that drive them out.

Women who have stood for office or been elected continue to face gender-based harassment and violence. Indigenous and Black parliamentarians have spoken out about the racist and sexist treatment they’ve been subjected to and they, along with other women, have made the difficult decision to leave the legislature.

Persons Day can’t just be about achieving the right for women to be appointed or elected to public office. It must also be about the wider campaign for gender justice. And we can win this campaign only through collective action.

Unifor members’ activism at the bargaining table, at the ballot box and in the streets hasn’t been easy but fighting back always makes a difference.  We have stepped into a leadership role during the pandemic recognizing that women, particularly racialized women, have been disproportionately bearing the brunt. We’ve been pressing for workers’ rights, mobilizing to elect progressive governments, and standing firm for safety at work and at home. Our work to Build Back Better and its companion bargaining agenda includes an equity lens and lays a roadmap to a better world.

Persons Day may have started with the push for the right of white, upper class women to gain what white, upper class men had. It has since become a day to examine the structures that existed then and continue to exist. These structures must be reformed and dismantled if we are ever to achieve true equity for all genders and people of all classes. Collectively we will continue that fight.

Leadec workers make solid gains in new contract

Unifor members of Local 200 and 707 at Leadec Corp. ratified a new three-year agreement by 80 per cent.

“These negotiations presented a unique set of challenges in an industry that is undergoing fundamental change,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “Nonetheless, the bargaining committee members were determined to make important gains for our members and were successful in doing so.”

Approximately 150 custodial and facilities management workers at Ford auto plants in Oakville and Windsor are covered by the new agreement. The contract provides union members with a $2,000 signing bonus as well as a 2% raise in each year of the agreement, seven cent inflation protection, and an increase in shift premiums. Total improvements in wages amount to more than a nine percent wage increase over the life of the agreement when including weekend and overtime premiums and RRSP contributions.

“We set out to deliver a strong agreement for our members,” said Fuad Hassan, Unifor Local 707 Leadec Chairperson.  “What we delivered was a solid agreement that not only made important economic gains for our members but also made equally important equity improvements as well.”

The agreement will introduce additional equity positions for both a Women’s Advocate and a Racial Justice Advocate to support union members.

The agreement also improves the employee benefits plan by providing medical cannabis coverage of $500 per person per year.

“On behalf of our bargaining committee, I want to thank the membership for the support and solidarity in these negotiations,” said Connor Fleming, Unifor Local 200 Leadec Chairperson. “This agreement would not have been possible without a strong show of support from our members.”

2022 BTS BARGAINING PROPOSAL form – Deadline November 24 2021

Bargaining Proposal Form

Sisters and Brothers,

Our Craft BTS/Unifor Collective Agreement expires May 2022. Please download and fill out the proposal form and return them no later than November 24 2021 as the local must submit all proposals by December 1 2021. It is important that every member fill out the form.

The PDF form is a fillable form that may be submitted electronically by email or fax.

Please download the BTS Bargaining proposal form and return it to the Local Executive



Fax to:



Form provided by Unifor National



In Solidarity,

Lee, Sanjay, Brian, Chris

Unifor mourns the loss of Local 111 member, killed on the job

We wish to extend condolences to the family


Unifor member Charanjit Parhar was killed on the job on Sept. 28, 2021 at Coast Mountain Bus Company in downtown Vancouver where he was a transit operator for more than 20 years.

The loss of Parhar was felt intensely by his fellow Unifor members, who knew him as a friendly and humble co-worker who always had a smile on his face.

“Everyone at Local 111 is grieving this terrible loss. Charanjit was loved in the workplace and we extend our most sincere condolences to his family,” said Balbir Mann, Unifor Local 111 president.

Parhar is survived by his wife, three daughters and his grandchildren. His funeral will take place on Thursday, October 7 at the Riverside Funeral home in Delta, B.C.

“The entire Unifor family is grieving and we send our thoughts to brother Parhar’s family, friends and co-workers at this difficult time. No-one should go to work and not come home,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President.

The local union is making plans with the employer to recognize Charanjit Parhar with a memorial event.